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  1. FreedomStalker

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I'd take zombies instead of those damn wolves, any day. The wolves in The Long Dark are the stuff of nightmares.
  2. FreedomStalker

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Earth 2150 is an amazing game but WTF happened with Earth 2160. That game is garbage. What do you think of the first game in the series?
  3. FreedomStalker

    Pro life or Pro choice

    This debate reminds me of George Carlin.
  4. FreedomStalker

    Skyrim and Oblivion

    The English version of Enderal is out. Maybe those of you who found Skyrim boring will enjoy this new total conversion?
  5. FreedomStalker

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    I found out, my problem was that I didn't talk to Maida Buckner about the brahmin.
  6. FreedomStalker

    Trump is winning

    Yeah, America is doomed but moving to a different country is not an easy thing to do. In fact, moving to another country is extremely difficult unless you are rich or wealthy or have the right skills or have the right connections.
  7. FreedomStalker

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Sometimes Ardin Buckner talks about her brahmin being rustled and sometimes she doesn't. And sometimes I'm able to confront the Dunton brothers about finding bug parts in the small house next to where Torr guards the brahmin and sometimes I don't have that dialogue option. Are these bugs in the...
  8. FreedomStalker

    Best hobbies to pick up for the apocalypse?

    Singing and playing a guitar.
  9. FreedomStalker

    Anyone Know a Mod That Lets me Tell Dogmeat to Wait and Only That?

    I wonder how many people refuse to do the Dogmeat quest whenever they play Fallout in order to save his life...
  10. FreedomStalker

    Does Punk rock exist in the Fallout universe?

    You probably don't see it because it doesn't bother you. There is a difference between throwing in a few 1950s themed content in Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 to keep the same vibe and what they actually did. Does a gang of Elvis impersonators in Fallout New Vegas ring a bell? That...
  11. FreedomStalker

    Does Punk rock exist in the Fallout universe?

    Yeah, it is kind of annoying(in my opinion) that Bethesda and Obsidian took the whole 1950s theme and then whored it out like no tomorrow in Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 even though Fallout and Fallout 2 never took it that far. And there is a good reason(in my opinion) the first...
  12. FreedomStalker

    Fallout 3 mod idea

    Yeah it doesn't make sense for the main character to be a homicidal psychopath but letting people play as one is appealing to a lot of people. This mod is not going to be my mod, by the way. It's going to be lolpop's mod.
  13. FreedomStalker

    Fallout 3 mod idea

    Well if the main character is a homicidal psychopath, 500 caps is more than enough.
  14. FreedomStalker

    So has any good come from Fallout 4 in the modding community since launch?

    I guess Call Of Duty Boston doesn't really inspire people to make mods for it.
  15. FreedomStalker

    Fallout 3 mod idea

    Well I hope you still find people who are as passionate about Fallout 3 as you are to help you with this.
  16. FreedomStalker

    Fallout 2 mod I need help installing Fallout 2 mods.

    Thanks for the reply. I'm using Windows 7 64 bit edition. Changing settings in the ddraw file helps with mods like Megamod and Last Hope but Shattered Destiny still gives me an error message every time I try to start it up.
  17. FreedomStalker

    Fallout 3 mod idea

    I think people who are passionate about Fallout 3 to a point where they will work on such a total conversion mod are very rare.
  18. FreedomStalker

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Is this compatible with the GOG version and the Steam version of Fallout 2?
  19. FreedomStalker

    Who's best for America?

    How is this overrated?