Still Mildly Glowing

Have there been any mods released like maybe a new version of Dust or some sort of nature that would make my purchase of the game not a complete waste of my money?
Considering this game ruined the entire franchise I doubt anyone, including modders will be interested in it years from now - so I doubt you will see those truly amazing mods that take months and years to make like with New Vegas or Fallout 3.Have there been any mods released like maybe a new version of Dust or some sort of nature that would make my purchase of the game not a complete waste of my money?
Yeah agreed, I wonder what their next Elder Scrolls will be like, will it even have skills and choices?Considering this game ruined the entire franchise I doubt anyone, including modders will be interested in it years from now - so I doubt you will see those truly amazing mods that take months and years to make like with New Vegas or Fallout 3.
And if you do see big mods like that, they'll probably be stolen by someone or copied by Bethesda and repackaged as DLC like Autumn Leaves or whatever allegedly happened with that.
Yeah, Dust 1.0 was released a little over a year ago, and 2.0 was updated a couple months ago. BUUUUUUUTThere have been some good ones like Xander's Aid, but things like Dust will take years to make. If memory serves dust was only released something like last year?
Yes, naugrim is actively making a Fallout: Frost mod for F4, and you can check progress in this subreddit: there been any mods released like maybe a new version of Dust or some sort of nature that would make my purchase of the game not a complete waste of my money?
Maybe, or maybe not.Yeah agreed, I wonder what their next Elder Scrolls will be like, will it even have skills and choices?
Can I create a shotgun that fucking murders me irl so I don't have to live anymore.But hey, you'll be able to make some really awesome medieval style contraptions when the workshop DLC are released!
You're making a bigger deal out of suicide than it is. Just go pass out drunk on the train tracks.Can I create a shotgun that fucking murders me irl so I don't have to live anymore.
Someone is working on a vore mod for it.
So that I can feed Piper with a hot meal.wut, for real?....why?
I like the way you think, I want to see all of "Fallout" 4's Companions suffer and die. Preferably watch Marcus cut them down with his big minigun, sending them straight to the hell of burrowing maggots where they will be devoured by worms and disease, a thousand years shall they suffer!So that I can feed Piper with a hot meal.