Search results

  1. T

    Do you think Obsidian considers Fallout 3 canon?

    the irony is now Bethesda (actually the whole of Zenimax and all it's properties) and Obsidian work for Microsoft. so i doubt they would trash each other games. it's very unprofessional plus i think people over state just how bad fallout 3 actually is. so much so they want the devs to join in on...
  2. T

    Do you think Obsidian considers Fallout 3 canon?

    i believe the wasteland survival guide in new vegas is more of a survival book written by another author not Moira Brown herself. and is not tied to the Wasteland Survival Guide quest in Fallout 3. I too like to consider New Vegas Bounties canon. As far as i know Veronica references a civil...
  3. T

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    well i'm currently playing Wasteland 3 but i just got The Outer Worlds, Mass Effect Andromeda, and Horizon Zero Dawn on the steam sale.
  4. T

    Why do people think New Vegas was actually good?

    i don't know i still don't like that reason in particular As well. Really the way you fix the quest is simply make it a more reasonable evil choice for the player. maybe someone pays you to go in with some talon company mercs you work with in the quest and murder everyone or slavers wishes to...
  5. T

    Why do people think New Vegas was actually good?

    enslaving people is the only evil morality that is welcomed. Nuking megaton was so cartoonishly evil i don't see why any character would do it beyond just simply role-playing as an cartoonishly evil character. I wish there a was a quest you gather slaves for the legion though in new vegas like...
  6. T

    Sexual Orientation

    i prefer it being perks honestly. what could be the downside of being a confirmed bachelor? or a Lady Killer? That's kind of the whole point of traits. Plus with it being a perk means i can take traits i actually like, like claustrophobia or skilled for example or even logan's loophole for chem...
  7. T

    Why do people think Fallout 3 was actually good?

    the main problem about your choice being wiped away was because of broken steel DLC allowing you to play infinitely longer then anticipated. A lot of your choices do matter but only to the player really they don't really matter in the game world besides maybe disarming the Atom bomb in megaton...
  8. T

    Why do people think New Vegas was actually good?

    I believe only 2 companions would despise you if you sided with the legion Arcade and Boone. the others don't seem to care. There's plenty of Legion Content and NCR Content i would argue. Though Legion quests could be expanded upon i recommend this mod if you want more legion quests...
  9. T

    Beyond the Beef vs Pheeble Will

    Which of these quest leads to the best outcomes? Leaving Heck Gunderson alive and continuing to bully people off their land like he did Walter as well as stopping the White Glove Society from eating people. Or Helping Walter kill both Ted/Heck Gunderson putting an end to their empire while...
  10. T

    Favorite Fallout New Vegas Quest?

    Mine would have to be Three-Card Bounty, Arcade's Enclave quest, Boone's Bitter Springs Quest, or that Collector's quest for the garrets where you collect their bar tabs for them. DLC Wise it has to be Lonesome Road's or Dead Money's Quests. I liked OWB and HH though i felt they were just...
  11. T

    Favorite Fallout 3 Quest

    What's your favorite fallout 3's quest? Mine would have to be Replicated Man or Strictly Business. You gotta shoot'em in the head was pretty good too. I sometimes like to compare Strictly Business sort of towards Three-Card Bounty which was one of my favorite quests from New Vegas ( i love...
  12. T

    Are Gen 3 Synths People?

    I sided with the Brotherhood of Steel. So no Synths are not people. they are a dangerous threat to the commonwealth.
  13. T

    Things you like from Fallout 3

    I like the companions, atmosphere, factions. etc.
  14. T

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Replaying Fallout New Vegas right now. Just waiting on Cyberpunk 2077.
  15. T

    Favorite or Hated Perks

    Some of my Favorite Perks From Fallout 3: Gun Nut Comprehension Educated Bloody Mess Toughness Commando Nerd Rage! Scrounger Robotics Expert Finesse Fast Metabolism Adamantium Skeleton Better Criticals Action Boy Ninja Grim Reaper's Sprint Power Armor Training Nerves of Steel Almost Perfect...
  16. T

    What was your first RPG?

    Well you gotta start somewhere. Not really a bad start though.
  17. T

    Let's discuss Dead Money. Was it that bad?

    I liked all the DLCs. But in terms of exploration and loot (aside from Gold Bars) Dead Money is the weakest of the dlcs. Rarely use Dead Money Weapons outside of Dead Money itself. the Story was pretty good though. and i like the companions Dog/God is the best. Old World Blues or Lonesome Road...
  18. T

    Next Fallout Game Location?

    I hope it's Texas since i'm from there. Maybe somewhere around the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington Metroplex which is where i live. lol.
  19. T

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    My dad bought me Fallout 3 when I was 11.
  20. T

    What was your first RPG?

    My First RPG was Fallout 3. Don't remember much about my first character.. I was about 11 years old at the time. I do remember i always used Fawkes as a Companion however. Before i usually played games like Dr. Muto or Jak & Daxter or Rayman which were platformers. Along with Star Wars...