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  1. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    Watch D.O.A (1949)

    Watch D.O.A (1949)
  2. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Disagree. Does not capture the feel for me. The paneling in Chainsaw Man manga flows better than the anime, especially with the fights. Take a look at the first zombie fight and you should be able to see what I'm getting at.
  3. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    It's nearing winter, the walls ain't gonna insulate themselves.
  4. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Speaking of Akira, I feel like AMVs have made a bit of a resurgence since the early youtube days.
  5. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    King Arthur is Gay

    Consider investing in adult diapers then.
  6. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    Fallout: London will not include the Queen

  7. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    No confidence at all but hopefully it is good. This on the other hand is more interesting. Getting a Jigoruku: Hell's Paradise vibe
  8. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    Slavery Bad. People Bad. Toasters Good.

    Slavery Bad. People Bad. Toasters Good.
  9. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Been alternating between God Eater 1-3 lately. God Eater 2 is kind of just 1.5, fixes some issues with 1 and adds a lot. 3 is really smooth and fun to play.
  10. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    Who is Muggy and why is everyone disgusted by him?

    Muggy picking up women (men).
  11. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    Something something scienc-arino Neil Degrasse Tyson on Joe Rogan.

    Something something scienc-arino Neil Degrasse Tyson on Joe Rogan.
  12. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    This is what an obese man sounds like saying "Hey Guys".

    This is what an obese man sounds like saying "Hey Guys".
  13. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    Baldurs Gate 3

    Every time I see a game with RTWP I always see people bitching about it not being turn-based, I mean Pathfinder and Pillars of Eternity 2 added turn-based as well so I think RTWP isn't hip these days.
  14. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    Baldurs Gate 3

    I think scripting, writing, and animating all those romances and sex scenes are slowing their dev time down. It is like an actual AAA company developing at the pace of a porn game dev like Yanderedev. But luckily my backlog and procrastination will keep me busy for ten years at least.
  15. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    Like 70% of the Witcher staff fucked off during the 2077 dev, right? I wonder what the retention...

    Like 70% of the Witcher staff fucked off during the 2077 dev, right? I wonder what the retention rate will be between the 12 years it'll take for the sequel. I mean I doubt anyone there is even familiar with their own REDengine so the Witcher 3 remaster/ enhanced edition will probably be trash.
  16. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    "Hey, Mario want some of this banana-flavored weed my dealer brought me? DUDE, it is the bomb!"

    "Hey, Mario want some of this banana-flavored weed my dealer brought me? DUDE, it is the bomb!"
  17. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    You see Fuji, is a genius god of manga and he is subtly referencing the "don't come to school tomorrow" meme of the early 2010s I.E. School Shooting/ School Shooter. The dangerous duo Dylan and Eric of the Columbine high school massacre is most famous, you've probably heard of it.