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  1. M

    *BIS Mapper - Questions & Requests*

    Good idea Pixote. Regarding map moving: I can see what the trouble is there. It uses a hex tile number to keep track of movement starting at the centre tile at 20100 which give 100 hexes of movement in any direction. The trouble is that it only checks if the tile number is valid(between 0...
  2. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Yes to the splash screen delay, I'll make it optional with a variable range, a max of 20 seconds sounds about right. There are only a few maps that are badly affected SanFran and the RP's Abbey are probably the worst. These really didn't look much better in the previous version of the hi-res...
  3. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    I've figured out what's going wrong with screen settings window, I'll upload a new version tomorrow. Yep, that sound like a good idea. I'll see if I can squeeze a small toggle button in there some place. Edit: New version of the mapper patch is up. The Screen Settings window should work...
  4. M

    F1 High Res Patch, Can't set custom res

    Your thinking of sfall for fallout2 where you have that option. The old version of sfall for fallout1 doesn't play nice with the hi-res patch.
  5. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    It sounds like its not finding the "f2_res.dat". Do you have a copy of it in your Mapper dir? You could alternatively modify the "f2_res_dat" path in the "m2_res.ini" to point to the one that comes with the fallout2 patch(Something I failed to mention in the config section of the read-me...
  6. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Version 3.0 of the BIS Mapper Patch is up, not as polished as I would like but I will revisit it in a few weeks once I have the Fallout1 patch out of the way. Text size for the interface is still the same at the moment as I didn't have the time to finish it as yet but editing map edges should...
  7. M

    F1 High Res Patch, Can't set custom res

    Your limited to what your monitor/video combo can support, which will probably be whatever's in the list. For Fallout1 the custom settings can come in handy on some systems where the list doesn't generate properly.
  8. M

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    OK then, the next version should be out soon, hopefully this weekend RL permitting.
  9. M

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    The mapper hi-res patch can host the script fix, if you guys want.
  10. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    @ Pixote: Editing the new map edge format is the primary objective for the next release and I want to get it done quickly so I can move onto the fallout1 patch. But go ahead and post your wish list. I intend to revisit the mapper once the fallout1 patch is done as there are a few improvement...
  11. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    I think it should be doable, I intend to try it out at least. Pixote's concept stuff always inspires.
  12. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Install the RP. Install the Hi-Res Patch. Install RP map edge data as in my previous post.
  13. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Quoting Myself here :) Map edges for the RP are included in the ZIP but must be copied across manually. They go in the same folder as the actual maps under "data\maps\".
  14. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Yep, both Fallout1 and the Mapper will get updates. I'm focusing on the Mapper first to get edge editing sorted out.
  15. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Version 3.0 is now available for download - links in my sig or on the first page. Lots of internal changes in this one so check the Read-Me. And be sure to post if you find any bugs or other weirdness. If you want to use this with the MegaMod or RP you need to copy the appropriate map folder...
  16. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Yep updates for fallout1 and the mapper will follow the fallout2 release. I always start with fallout2 as it's more popular due to mods and such.
  17. M

    FO2 at 1920x1200 - palette issues on cut-scenes

    From the Main menu click the Options button, Click the SCRN button then set Colours to 16bit.
  18. M

    FO2 at 1920x1200 - Yikes!! I need Zoom!!

    You have to use sfall to scale up to your native res(1920x1200). Not many monitors if any would support 960x600 natively. Just to add my 2 cents.. For CRT's 800x600 or 1024x768 are probably the best resolutions. You'd need a really large screen to go beyond that. LCD's are another ball game...
  19. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Just a quick progress update: Lately I've been tidying up a lot of the problems with viewing maps at hi-res. The most obvious thing I've done is to introduce border clipping when viewing maps smaller than your screen res. Before. After. Pixote will probably put out a hit on me...
  20. M

    FO2 at 1920x1200 - Yikes!! I need Zoom!!

    I'd cut the res in half to 960x600 for the best of both worlds. From the Mainmenu open the Options screen then click the SCRN button. From the HI-RES tab set custom Width and Height to 960x600. From the SFALL tab scale up to 1920x1200, set DX9 mode to Full screen and turn on Gpu blitting.