FO2 at 1920x1200 - Yikes!! I need Zoom!!


First time out of the vault
Oh, this is just amazing... when I thought of going back to Fallout 2 again, re-living those ancient experiences, I thought I was going to have major unhappiness with my modern, quad-core system, running Windows 7 64-bit on a 1920x1200 screen.

However, between the unofficial Official patch and the magnificent Restoration Project installed, I'm running beautifully on this system, it is really truly amazing. It's actually hard to believe that this game originally came out in 1998...

The only problem that I have, now, is that objects on the ground can be almost undetectable sometimes, especially with the low-contrast settings that are so common in this game. I'd *really* like to have a Zoom function, so I could magnify the area where I'm standing, to see if there's actually anything there for me to detect!!
Gorlash could you supply a screen grab (F12) of this 1920x1200 resolution - I need to know what the maps look like at super hi-res. Try a random "mountain" map, and then any town map. Thanks.

As for a Zoom function - I can't see that happening, but use the left hand "shift" key to highlight ground items. :wink:
I'm not a modder, so I don't know if that's even possible (I'd guess that the most viable solution would consist in a temporary reduction of resolution controlled by pressing a key); but if your problem is the difficulty in detecting ground items, you can always rely on the item highlight button (shift key by default), an option introduced by Timeslip in his great mod Sfall, included in Killap's Restoration Proyect.

EDIT: Ninjad :oops:
I'd cut the res in half to 960x600 for the best of both worlds.
From the Mainmenu open the Options screen then click the SCRN button.
From the HI-RES tab set custom Width and Height to 960x600.
From the SFALL tab scale up to 1920x1200, set DX9 mode to Full screen and turn on Gpu blitting.
here here! I agree with Sir Mash.

EDIT: .Pixote, I grabbed a few screens for you. Overall it looks like Klamath and Den are completely compatible with that resolution, but none of the encounter maps are, nor would certain maps with 'special' art I imagine (i.e. outside temple of trials).

Link: fallout 2 at 1920x1200 pictures.
agris said:
Pixote, I grabbed a few screens for you. Overall it looks like Klamath and Den are completely compatible with that resolution, but none of the encounter maps are, nor would certain maps with 'special' art I imagine (i.e. outside temple of trials).

Thanks - I just wanted to see how the smaller maps looked at hi-res, with the black boarders the game looks much cleaner. The alternative is too ugly to consider - broken edges everywhere. :yuck:

The resolution I find the most enjoyable is 800x600 - I'm not sure what the equivalent is on your monitor.
Yep, 800x600px is the way to go, with 1024x768px being the maximum for me.
I used to stick with 1024x768 but nowadays when I start up Fallout or Fallout 2 I have it on 1920x1080 and don't have any problems with it, I can usually spot everything fine.
For me personally it's not about spotting stuff, but the visual style of the map. It's a pretty different experience, if you can see only parts of a map or if you can see the whole map. Especially with the limited tileset that Fallout has.
Lexx said:
For me personally it's not about spotting stuff, but the visual style of the map. It's a pretty different experience, if you can see only parts of a map or if you can see the whole map. Especially with the limited tileset that Fallout has.
Quite right, it's actually been a bit since I've used lower resolutions. Next time I play I'll probably go for a smaller one. Plus, with bigger resolutions my screen gets caught on the corners quite a bit, not too big a problem but can be annoying at times.
1280 x 800 on my 1920x1200 monitor gives me all the visual details without feeling cramped. 1920x1200 looks nice, but you loose too much detail in the art, and just can't appreciate it like you can when you're more zoomed in. 960 x 600 is also good for these big widescreens but for some reason my computer hates that resolution and FO2 won't launch in it.
agris said:
960 x 600 is also good for these big widescreens but for some reason my computer hates that resolution and FO2 won't launch in it.
You have to use sfall to scale up to your native res(1920x1200). Not many monitors if any would support 960x600 natively.

Just to add my 2 cents..
For CRT's 800x600 or 1024x768 are probably the best resolutions. You'd need a really large screen to go beyond that.
LCD's are another ball game though. For a clear view it's best to stick with your monitors native res or a division by 2. Deviating from that will cause blurring due to the pixels being fixed on an LCD.
While I can see Lexx's point. For me it feels kind of claustrophobic playing fallout at 640x480 on a big LCD.
I'm starting to feel that I'm the only one playing on 640x480. :( I don't have a problem with it on my bigger LCD. On higher resolutions it loses so much of its feel for me..
Surf Solar said:
I'm starting to feel that I'm the only one playing on 640x480. :( I don't have a problem with it on my bigger LCD. On higher resolutions it loses so much of its feel for me..

I know what you mean - at 640x480 everything feels up close and personal, the world is more claustrophobic, hence grittier.
Hi Pixote, thank you and everyone else for the replies, I'll try the shift key, I didn't know about that!!

I guess I don't need to upload images, since Agris already did. Generally, I've found that everything renders fine at 1920x1200, although (as he noted) not all sites actually fill the screen, which is fine with me.

The one anomaly that I've noticed is that some objects (such as numbers on the Stat screen) have corrupted palettes and are hard to read, but it's livable.

I may try the half-resolution trick and see how it looks, though truth be told I really like the large-world view; no more wondering what is sneaking up just out of sight...
Gorlash said:
though truth be told I really like the large-world view; no more wondering what is sneaking up just out of sight...

Yeah, that's the problem: You can see stuff you shouldn't see yet. :>
Surf Solar said:
I'm starting to feel that I'm the only one playing on 640x480. :( I don't have a problem with it on my bigger LCD. On higher resolutions it loses so much of its feel for me..

I play on 640x480 with large LCD too because the dialogs aren't full screen which makes me lose some immersion in the fallout world, though I seem to have a problem with Vault city inner city map to courtyard exit grid using the 640x480 resolution.
It's not visible the game doesn't allow me to see the exit grid forcing me to adjust the resolution just to exit from one map to another. No one reported this so I'm assuming I'm the only one with this problem :P. I'm playing with RP 2.1.2b
Well, the upshot of all this discussion is that, shift-key does a thorough and effective job of solving my problem!! Thank you very much to Pixote and others who mentioned that option!