Amazing stuff :clap:
Having the same sound lag issue with linux but I'm also running in a VM at this point (It's quite responsive otherwise). I've got a spare hard drive lying around so I might try a native linux install later on.
Very unlikely, time would probably be better spent making a new viewer/editor.
And before you ask the obvious :), I way to busy at the moment with the next hi-res patch that never seems to get finished.
Yep, all the colours should be in order (0 to FF).
These are the palette offsets I get: (in hexadecimal)
slime E5, E6, E7, E8
blue E9, EA, EB, EC, ED
fire1 EE, EF, F0, F1, F2
fire2 F3, F4, F5, F6, F7
brown F8, F9, FA, FB, FC, FD
alarm red FE
I also made this FRM which is a 16x16 grid of the...
Are you running any map changing mods? eg. Mega Mod, Restoration Project.
In the "f2_res.ini" under the [MAPS] section, the "MAP_EDGES_NAME" option should be set to the mod your using. This tells the patch which folder to search for the map edge data. The folders themselves should be in the...
I suspect the trouble here is because the map files internal name differs from the actual file name. This should be fixed some what in the next release of the hi-res patch where I'll be using the internal name only. But it's still important to keep internal and external names the same.
A work...
In regard to the Hero App Mod:
I've added the ability to save appearance settings to character ".gcd" files. One use for this could be to change the default look of the premade characters, for instance setting Mingan as the bald dude.
The other thing I did was make it possible to store...
Nope haven't gotten around to that yet. My main focus for the next release is code revision, My coding style from a few years back was pretty awful to say the least, the words wasteful and unintelligible come to mind. It's taken far longer to sort out than I thought but once done I should be...
Just to add, for Vista/7 it is best to not install in the default "Program Files" directory. That pretty much goes for all pre Vista games, especially those you intend to mod. I install all my games under "C:\Games\".
A quick progress update:
I've setup the requested options for the static...
I kind of sounds like the hi-res patch isn't installed properly. When accessed from the Main-menu, do you see the "SCRN" button in the Preferences Window?
There is no need to change the res from 640x480, you just need to have the hi-res patch installed. The angled map boundaries have been...
It should be possible to make the mapper use one of the larger fallout fonts but this would probably mess up the interface a bit.
RL has me tied up for the next week or so. But I'll have a look at it when I get the chance Jotisz.
The hi-res patch looks for the "panels.ini" file under the "f2_res" folder which should be in your fallout2 install dir. If it's not there you will need to re-run the "Fallout2_High_Resolution_Patch_v2.3.exe" or manually extract the missing files.
I'm not very experienced with linux and my own...
You didn't mention your host OS, if it's a version of Windows I'd suggest installing it there rather than a VM. This would probably improve the slowness issues you've had and may also fix the crashes on exit that your experiencing.
I don't think there are any 32bit talking heads available a...
-The hi-res patch and sfall(by Timeslip) are 2 separate mods. For conveniences sake I added to the hi-res patch the ability to change some of sfalls graphics settings via the in-game menu, as the two work well together under certain circumstances.
Sfall is good for scaling the game to a higher...
I assume you mean the hi-res patch for the Mapper.
I doesn't sound like something the hi-res patch would cause. Do you get the error without the hi-res patch installed?
No Idea what could be causing your problem. Possibly something to do with Parallels which I have no experience with.
You could try manually changing some settings by editing the "f1_res.ini" file. The screen setting are at the top in the "[MAIN]" section. Try setting "COLOUR_BITS" to 16 and see...
I don't think the inventory or iface bar are affected by map lighting. I tried it in the mapper at midnight with no change.
They don't blink on and off but shift to the next colour in the cycle. For example each palette position for the blue animations, cycles through all the blue colours...