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  1. M

    Animated inventory items

    Yep it's only visible in game, the best I can do is a static screen shot.
  2. M

    Animated inventory items

    Yep it's just a modified frm. Just drop it in the "data\art\inven" folder to replace the original glock.frm. The animated colours in the fallout palette are always oscillating, any frm using them will be animated.
  3. M

    Animated inventory items

    For a bit of fun I did a little messing around with the plasma pistol (glock.frm) and a hex editor. Plasma Pistol Blue Ani I switched the colours of the plasma chamber area with the blue animated colours. I tried green but there wasn't enough variation in the slime colours for a good effect.
  4. M

    A question

    The only difference I think, is the ability to add a custom pipboy image and description msg's for the char screen. You can grab the last version of the read-me from this thread. You'll also find an example there for adding the pipboy pic and msg's.
  5. M

    A question

    In regards to the Hero App. Mod, place-holders would be unnecessary. In the event that matching animations aren't present in the bald dudes folder the regular dude animations are used instead. Edit: On the other hand, coping the bald dude mk1 armour and renaming it for mk2 may look better...
  6. M

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    I tried the save with the hi-res patch disabled and got the same results, so I don't think the res patch is at fault. Also the game isn't actually crashing it's just running very slowly. One thing I tried was disabling the map edges so I could access the area to the south. Walking the PC below...
  7. M

    (Very)High Rez fonts

    You would have to be using one of sfall DX modes for it to work. If your using the screen settings window: On the sfall side set the DX mode to fullscreen, set scaling to your desktop res (1920x1080) and turn on GPU blitting. On the Hi-res side set the res to 960x540. Let me know if that...
  8. M

    (Very)High Rez fonts

    Half your native res "960x540" should give the best results.
  9. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    No idea what's going on there, sounds like the fallout2.exe was not updated. At this point your probably better uninstalling and starting from scratch. First thing I'd change is don't install to the default directory under "Program Files" as this will avoid many Win7 UAC problems, I install my...
  10. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Thanks for the info Killap that's handy to know. But in this case I'm assuming he's running 1.0 as the hi-res patch should work fine with the old official patch.
  11. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Your trying to patch an unsupported version of the "fallout2.exe". Not knowing your particular circumstances I'll take a guess and assume your running an older version. In which case I'd recommend updating your copy of fallout2 using Killap's Unofficial Fallout2 Patch. Be aware that doing this...
  12. M

    New animations 2

    The hero app. mod does 2 thing: #1 It doubles the size of the current critter list and offsets the PC's FID to point to this new area where the hero app. critter names are stored(those starting with the '_' char). This was done to prevent npc's using your new look. #2 Changes the folder...
  13. M

    New animations 2

    Yep I agree it would be good to find a work around for the tile limit. I'm messing around with the tile drawing functions at the moment so you never know.
  14. M

    New animations 2

    fallout uses these ID's to reference stuff internally. 12bits of the ID are used for storing the list number from 'critters.lst' in this case. 12bits gives a max of 4096 references. here's some info on fallout ID's
  15. M

    New animations 2

    The FID limit is 4096 although the hero App. mod cuts that in half to 2048. :oops: (been meaning to look for a better solution there) I think there's about 150 critters currently in the RP so still plenty of room for now. :)
  16. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Another incremental update to the Fallout2 Hi-res Patch is available. Links in my sig. I took another stab at fixing the crashes reported in the Screen Settings Window where the resolution list was empty. Now if auto population of the list fails resolution 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768 will...
  17. M

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    I have the hi-res patch setup to revert to 8bit colour if sfall's MODE is set to anything other than 0. This was to avoid compatibility issues as the two don't work well together. For those experiencing crashes using the res list: Try setting SAFER_DISPLAY_LIST=1 in the f2_res.ini. This...
  18. M

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    The Hero App. Mod strikes again. I've fixed up my code, the bag art should display properly in the next release Lexx.
  19. M

    High Resolution Patch Running Slow

    It sounds like you have it working. As to why you installed sfall in the first place only you can answer that, it also sounds like you installed sfall for fallout2 which would never have worked anyway. My advice, clear your mind of questions and go play some darn fallout already.
  20. M

    High Resolution Patch Running Slow

    That's the Hi-res patch! With Mode set to 0 it should run the same speed as fallout without sfall. No idea about your selecting stuff problem. It kind of sounds like you aren't changing to the select cursor first(clicking the right mouse button) before pointing at something.