A question


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Since i know little to none about these things, i have a question for the people who do.

See, when Josan12 and I finished the long hair dude animations for the player character he packed the whole thing including placeholder animations for the weapon sets he had made for the default dude (sniper, wakizashi, etc) until such time as long hair dude versions of it were finished and could be included... Now, given that i have recently finished and released leather armor mk2 animations for the default male and female player characters, i was wondering if i should also pack placeholder animations for those armors on the soon to be released Bald Dude package until such time as bald leather armor mk2 animations are finished and could be included...

Is this necessary? will it make for easier integration and/or usage of Bald dude animations and leather armor mk2 animations in (within) the same mod?
In regards to the Hero App. Mod, place-holders would be unnecessary. In the event that matching animations aren't present in the bald dudes folder the regular dude animations are used instead.

On the other hand, coping the bald dude mk1 armour and renaming it for mk2 may look better in game, as otherwise the bald dude will magically grow hair when wearing the mk2.
All right, thanks for clearing that up, Mash.

Also, since the Hero Appearance Mod is your work i have two questions for you;

First, has there been any change or can i organize the folder structure and file naming as per the instructions on the previous readme file?

And second, do you have a new readme file you would want me to include with the Bald dude files?
The only difference I think, is the ability to add a custom pipboy image and description msg's for the char screen. You can grab the last version of the read-me from this thread. You'll also find an example there for adding the pipboy pic and msg's.