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  1. F

    An open letter to Obsidian Entertainment

    I only experienced a few bugs in NV. The worst was losing everything I had stored in the flying robot when I had him upgraded. I was able to get everything back after a little fiddling around. There were also 1-2 broken quests. Compared to F3 and Oblivion, this isn't much.
  2. F

    An open letter to Obsidian Entertainment

    As opposed to Bethesda's consistent bug problems? As opposed to people in other places giving Bethesda a pass for Fallout 3? As opposed to Bethesda, a company notorious for releasing bugged games and then never fixing them? As opposed to its bug-infested predecessor, Fallout 3? So...
  3. F

    Witcher 2

    Hmm, those should be easy. Just play like normal five card draw and keep playing until you win. Don't throw the dice too hard or some will fly out of the game and you won't be able to get them back until you start another game. In fact, the whole minigame seems so easy and luck based. Pointless.
  4. F

    More space exploration in the vein of Starflight?

    To this day I'm still waiting for Elite 4... Nothing except Newtonian physics and a virtually unlimited galaxy will do for me.
  5. F

    May 21 - set your calender for Apocalypse

    Wohoo, we're all gonna die! I'm stoked.
  6. F

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Hmm, wasn't ME2 already tweaked for a larger market? Is it possible to go even further?
  7. F

    Interstellar Marines - Indie AAA

    If by awesome you mean useless.
  8. F

    Interstellar Marines - Indie AAA

    LOL. You choose your games based on what gimmicky rendering mode it supports? Okay then........ DX9 is not even close to being the reason why this game is generic. Gimmick.
  9. F

    Interstellar Marines - Indie AAA

    In development since 2005 :D. The people who pre-ordered can probably forget about their money, the game will never see the light of day. Played the demos on the website. The weapon has almost no recoil. It's like Call of Duty in space...INNOVASHUNZ! If the developers have something...
  10. F

    royal wedding -- does anyone care?

    I don't know, it's why I'm asking.
  11. F

    royal wedding -- does anyone care?

    Is there anyone in NMA who cares about the royal wedding? Just curious.
  12. F

    Fighting Games

    I was thinking about buying the new MK, because it looks awesome, but since they haven't released a PC version, I will give my money to some other developer. Your loss, console-only devs.
  13. F

    The Hex Based Wargame Thread

    It's not hex-based, though.
  14. F

    Crysis 2 - console dumbing or awesome game?

    What bugs me about the low res textures is that, for some reason, many objects that you'll be looking at hundreds of times during the game, like enemies and certain doors, have low textures. I mean, what the fuck? They make a random coffee machine look great, but whenever I see a Ceph close up...
  15. F

    Crysis 2 - console dumbing or awesome game?

    Huh? Corridoring has been used in FPS design since well before GoW.