May 21 - set your calender for Apocalypse


Surprise!!! Your apocalpyse is due May 21!

I know, that's soon, but hey, that's how God works- in mysterious ways!

Get your shit together while you can, because the end is about 1 week away, or at least says this group of Christians.

or listen

Earthquakes, Tsunamis, the earth opening up. For those who believe, off to see Jesus. For the rest of you 5 bad months and then eternity in damnation. Sucks for you.

And if you think they are nutty, according to Pew, 41% of Americans think that Jesus is due back before 2050!

Lets hope NMA stays active to keep up on your apocalyptic news.

I suspect we might lose Sander, but Brother None and I will probably still be here.

Oh follow-up
You mean Sander's going with Jesus, welsh? I doubt that.

Anyway, just read Asimov's The Last Trump. It's not all bad.
Wait, I believe in Christ now?

Also, this stuff is always hilarious. It's fun to look at doomsday prophets from, say, 1400 years ago and see how similar their logic is.
I'm glad you brought this up Welsh as I was literally about to do the same thing today.

I remember hearing about this months ago as a small newspaper blurb. Just yesterday that same small town local newspaper had a payed for ad from such a group with a warning and the date.

I guess people following such a prediction are more widespread than I thought.

Now people can believe whatever they want and in fact keeping yourself aware of "the end" can probably make you a better person. However I find the whole thing to be very at odds with itself. For one thing it does say in the Bible that no one knows the date of the end and also that those who preach that they know will lead people astray. Although I remember reading those lines and being surprised (don't ask me to quote the chapter and verse as I never tried to memorize them) I was glad. Anyone who's religious and also still a rational person should have studied the history or their religion and they should be aware of all the people in the past who predicted the end times and since were all still alive today are obviously wrong. The number of followers such people received is huge and amazingly still is today. I just hope that considering this takes place in more modern times it will be better recorded and better remembered when the time passes and life goes on as usual.

The Vault Dweller
In response-

BN, you and I are screwed. Me, because I am old and have been spewing anti-religious stuff for a long time. You, because you are an Orderite (no offense to the order but with all that masturbation and gayness- well, we know God hates homos and masturbation) and worked in a pornshop (I know that's going to derail the thread).

Sorry bud, but that's a double strike, right there.

As for Sander, no he might not believe in Jesus, but at heart the guy is an innocent despite his best efforts not to be. Jesus knows his true heart (don't forget Sander used to believe in the benevolent dictator- aka- God) so he's basically good to go.

Well, I mean, who else on this site might make it?

In response to Vault Dweller-

(1) Apparently the apocalypse will happen at 6 pm in each time zone starting in the Pacific and following the earth's rotation. So Europeans are basically going through the apocalypse about 5-8 hours before Americans.

This of course proves that God does bless America, as it gives us a full 5-8 hours to repent and get good with God before the big Earthquake hits.

What I find more troubling besides these kooks predicting the end of the world next week is the 41% of Americans who predict Jesus is due back before 2050.

Why worry about global warming or corporate malfeasance when the world is due to end in 4 decades in a spiritual rapture. Hallaluha!

I mean really people, get with the prophecy.

If any one here does make it, please shoot a note to Jesus or God saying, "Dude, you ruined Memorial Day weekend? That's like the first day of summer! I mean really, Dude, did you have to ruin everyone BBQ for the rapture?"
I did not work in a pornshop, I worked in a store that had huge bins of porn DVDs for sale. Big difference.

max said:
Why May 21? Is there a significance to the date?

They calculated it based on some wonky 7000-year span or something. Meh.
I noticed one of those billboards pop up along the highway a couple months ago. I like its "The Bible Guarantees It" fake-sticker, like how Wonderbread guarantees freshness.
welsh said:
Get your shit together while you can
Not to worry Welsh, some enterprising folks are already seeing to it!
Reminds me of The Emperor's New Clothes.

And if you think they are nutty, according to Pew, 41% of Americans think that Jesus is due back before 2050!
...and this time he's pissed.
Nah, seriously, there couldn't be anything better than for those 41% to be cleanly whisked away into the sky.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Not to worry Welsh, some enterprising folks are already seeing to it!

Wow. I wanted to know if this was legit and apparently they have a website and everything:

I guess the rapture already happened, looks like the only thing it took was their DB though.
Heh, I remember seeing a billboard about that. The 21st is my mom's birthday, so I called her and said she must be a daemon or sonething.

Seriously, how did those fanatics afford a billboard. I'm assuming that billboard space isn't cheap.
Christians contradicting their own holy book isn't anything new. The Bible says man can't possibly know the return of Christ. That in itself means most of these doom prophecies are false.

Unless someone gets really lucky and nails it perfectly. I could just keep saying the next day is the end and I'd eventually get it right. Might not be the end of THE world but maybe MY world. But hey, that's close enough in a self-absorbed society like the US. :roll:
If Jesus returns I bet he'll do Oprah Show first than Piers Morgan Tonight on CNN or maybe special guest appearance on American Idol Finale...tough call.