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    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Some more concrete info. Looks like SWTOR coated in Elder Scrolls(It's likely confirmed to be using the same engine). The fun part is how all those good points they claim against other MMOs just seem to be ripped off GW2 arguments. Also it's being developed by...
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    i really loathe the FO3/Oblivion engine, i really do :(

    Apart from the fact you could even use the same modded DLL so the game didn't perform like shit in ATI cards, just like for FNV? :P
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    The Dishonored Thread

    Announcement of an announcement! How exciting.
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    This has to be a joke, right? RIGHT?

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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    Brian Fargo on "social" features

    I hate the day the word 'engine' became a common term for gamers. This is a 2D isometric RPG. You could probably develop the whole engine base with several open and free libraries(which are cross platform anyway, and that's their focus at the moment). Given that the solutions to these kind of...
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    Brian Fargo on "social" features

    Yeah, to quote myself on the other thread... As long as stuff isn't hardcoded, and the formats are easy enough to guess. And seriously, what reason could they have to not use something text-based to make their lives easier with so many parsers on this era?
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    Wasteland Update #6, $1.5M passed

    Mod tools can be as simple as a good file system that allows extending it and doesn't have anything hardcoded, and some not so hard to use file formats(xml or anything else text-based for example for NPC configurations, lua text scripts for world/npcs behavior, etc). And reverse-engineering a 2D...
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    Putting an NMA bar in Wasteland 2 (goal reached!)

    Congratulations on raising the funds! I vote for a contest on who kills BN faster on release. 8-)
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    Wasteland 2 Kickstarter has launched

    It's nothing related to kickstarter or Wasteland 2, it's gonna be an iOS port. Carry on. :roll: Fargo said on Twitter he might do a Reddit IAMA soon, so you might wanna check there in case you want to ask anything. Although the forum seems like a better choice.
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    Wasteland 2 Kickstarter has launched

    If someone doesn't care about the game they should advertise it as a Mark Morgan soundtrack for 30 bucks. :P
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    Wasteland 2 Kickstarter has launched

    I think Totalbiscuit just bought his NPC judging by a Reddit comment. : P
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    Wasteland 2 website up Monday, Kickstarter late next week

    Anyone knows any solutions for pre-paid cards in Argentina? Or actually most of South America has the problem anyway. :P
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    InXile Kickstarter Project officially named Wasteland 2

    Not offered in my country. :( I hate living here. I haven't even played Wasteland due to the issues I mentioned in the thread, but I do want this badly. I wonder if someone will start calling it a fallout rip-off tho. : P Who can blame them after 20 years?
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    New Baldur's Gate Game

    It was confirmed on the Beamdog forum. I think it's likely to get a high-resolution release. As in, with proper support to more resolutions, not art. Although there's mods for that already... It's confusing me. If it's related to Beamdog, shouldn't it be related to the PC as well somehow and...
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    Replaying Wasteland

    I have never played this game yet. I'm not of the kind of people that just can't live without new graphics, but this game seems to be totally unplayable to me. Mostly because it's in turbo mode whenever I walk, pressing left slightly and walking all across the world map in a step. Have there...
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    Do we argentine have a fame of being racist?

    I see Argentinians as racist. But that's because I live here. :P
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    Ubisoft forbids changing your own hardware!

    Only pirates have enough money to change their hardware, from all those games they don't buy. ;p
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    'An Exciting List Of PC Games For 2012'

    South Park RPG is sure to be at least interesting this year. Even watching LPs will give some lulz. :)
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    Customer Service from hell and response from PAX and others

    Better than anything I have found so far, given that I didn't think this whole thing would be worth reading all those e-mails, and everyone dropping news about expecting you to know the previous part of the story. So thanks UncannyGarlic!
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Wow, that's lol-worthy indeed. I hope they don't end up releasing a debug version next time, that would be like 5x times as bad. :lol: