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    New Half-Life 3 ARG

    After all this time they probably wouldn't even need to market the game.
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    Obsidian to develop (console and PC) SouthPark RPG

    Can't wait to hear some more info on this. And there really isn't much harm done if it turns out to be bad, is there? But all the details so far sound great. Having Cartman as a party member is gonna be interesting for sure.
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    Obsidian to develop (console and PC) SouthPark RPG

    Patrolling South Park almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Kid named after Skyrim. :roll:
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    And the xbox360 version has such a low Metacritic score of 95. :roll: The reviews slam quite a lot of the bugs here and there, but they just ignore it and give it 100s. But I thought that was the cool reason for slamming New vegas and lowering the score. :) EDIT: TBH there doesn't seem...
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    World's Biggest PAC-MAN

    I thought it would be a real life pacman in gigantic scale when I red the title first. Still cool stuff tho. ;)
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    Pokemon: Black and White

    Does the same OPed trick works for Pokemon? I just train and make my main water pokemon fight and I breeze through every battle. Even against types it would be harder because it's much higher lvl. :P
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    If I heard correctly, the final game will be DX9 out of the box, and will be patched later for DX11 support. "Later". And again, I don't remember my source. So feel free to ignore me on this one.
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    Stupid question about programming games

    It's quite hard to tell since there are many ways a game could've been designed and coded to achieve the same result. What you're describing sounds like OOP(Object Oriented Programming). OOP is a double edged sword, on one hand, it simplifies a lot the design, thinking of everything as "objects"...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Yup, even the maps from the XBox 360 version. So at least that gives me some comfort that they downgraded the maps to fit the console, rather than the opposite. My friend is mostly a fan of the ability wheel, though I switched faster by using the hotkeys(double space, strength... double ctrl...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Lost your googling skills man? The good news are that PC gaming is probably getting the blame on this one(when someone from the development team leaked the freaking game), and blah blah blah, pirates, and they've probably found a great excuse to switch over to developing for consoles. I would...
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    Allegro 5 Finally Released [C Game Library]

    I just wanted to spread the word that the first official release of the new Allegro 5 branch has been released. For the ones who don't know what I'm talking about, Allegro is a free and open-source C 2D game library which brings most of the features a programmer would need to make a game, and...
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    Deus Ex Human Revolution

    Rock Paper Shotgun did a lot of coverage on Deus Ex 3 recently, so it's not that old news.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Pretty much. Unless you want to hear "Boring, boring, boring!" over and over again. :)
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    750MB for a joke. Well, it was very funny anyway, but I guess you could just watch a video since it's pretty linear(and it forced the resolution in my monitor to some weird shit I never saw before) Still, I find it a bit hypocritical that some of the things they're making fun about, their...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Try out the demo on steam and see for yourself. I haven't bought it yet either, but I think that all the "learning" as you go is purely your own experimentation with the spells. And you can form a lot of interesting combinations with the different elements. That's the fun point of the game. :)
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    RPG ideas?

    It's simple, the gameplay is mostly divided between exploration and main dungeons. The exploration is different in most zelda games, but the dungeons' mechanics are really similar. 1. Explore the dungeon, solve some puzzles, frustrate the player as he finds that some puzzles can't be...
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    VG247 interviews Pete Hines

    Playing Fallout 2 without any patches is hardcore. There should be some kind of event with that as a requirement. :D *Clicks on the World Map* waaaAAAHHH SPEEEEED!!
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    Duke Nukem Forever

    To be fair, most of the stuff like Driving stages and that seemed to be already in the original work by 3D Realms on the leaks near 2009(or was it 2010?). It's not really like Gearbox radically changed the game.
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    Duke Nukem Forever

    Bleh, link to a better quality trailer at least. Not a 360p video. :P