New Half-Life 3 ARG

Can anyone tell me the reason why no half life 2 episodes have been produced for so many years, or why HL 3 isn't even on the concept table?
A lot of people look at that video for HL3 clues.
I look at that video and wonder "What happened to the Space Core?"
I am glad that Valve doesn't shovel sequels out every year like EA and Capcom, but it has been a long time since their last game. Episode 3 should have been out by now dammit.
Maybe I am dumb (high possibility) or I just skipped the thread where it is explained, but what is an ARG?
Huh. This is the first time I read about these things. So this is just some elaborea LARPing? Seems pretty strange to me. :?
TorontRayne said:
I am glad that Valve doesn't shovel sequels out every year like EA and Capcom, but it has been a long time since their last game. Episode 3 should have been out by now dammit.

Capcom shovels out sequels for every franchise they have except the ones people have been asking for for years.

On that note, no Megaman games since 2010. Wtf, Capcom?
Tagaziel said:

Of course Valve isn't going to admit that they've started an ARG this early. They're sneaky.

Surf Solar said:
Huh. This is the first time I read about these things. So this is just some elaborea LARPing? Seems pretty strange to me.

It's a form of viral advertising that creates hype by blurring the lines between fantasy and reality.

Halo, the Dark Knight, Portal 2, Cloverfield, etc. are all pretty famous for their ARG's.

For example here are three websites that were created as part of Cloverfield's ARG a couple years ago:
WelcomeToNewReno said:
On that note, no Megaman games since 2010. Wtf, Capcom?

Itafune (the guy who made Mega Man) left Capcom and they've seemingly ignored the character since then.
Courier said:
It's a form of viral advertising that creates hype by blurring the lines between fantasy and reality.

Halo, the Dark Knight, Portal 2, Cloverfield, etc. are all pretty famous for their ARG's.

For example here are three websites that were created as part of Cloverfield's ARG a couple years ago:

And none of these games/movies was really outstanding/amazingly good. If a game for example is very good and stands out on its own, it does not need such inane shit IMO. Those ARGs smell to me like just another retarded internet phenomena.
Surf Solar said:
Courier said:
It's a form of viral advertising that creates hype by blurring the lines between fantasy and reality.

Halo, the Dark Knight, Portal 2, Cloverfield, etc. are all pretty famous for their ARG's.

For example here are three websites that were created as part of Cloverfield's ARG a couple years ago:

And none of these games/movies was really outstanding/amazingly good. If a game for example is very good and stands out on its own, it does not need such inane shit IMO. Those ARGs smell to me like just another retarded internet phenomena.


I really liked cloverfeild :(
Surf Solar said:
And none of these games/movies was really outstanding/amazingly good. If a game for example is very good and stands out on its own, it does not need such inane shit IMO. Those ARGs smell to me like just another retarded internet phenomena.

Dark Knight was a great movie and Portal 2 was one of the best games this year.
Publicity never equals final product. Dead Island is a pretty blatant example of a fairly bland game having an amazing trailer. An ARG is just a ''clever'' kind of publicity.

And I liked The Dark Knight and Portal 2. So there :evil: .
Half-Life 3 confirmed on the Steam Podcast Twitter:!/Steamcast/status/149415750623432704
I love you Valve! Masters of viral advertisement.

I believe some Valve employee was spotted somewhere wearing a Half-Life 3 t-shirt. I'll try and find the picture.