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  1. S

    T51b Armour sprite

    Barnaky's gotta do his own thing, dawg. And Dekker's the poser who wants to be like him. (If it really bugs you, the easiest solution would probably be to replace their sprites as well, though I don't know where those are myself).
  2. S

    Van Buren content used in new games

    Whoops. Guess my memory must be fading me. Thanks, Walpknutt and Lexx.
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    Alternate title?

    Fallout Tactics has no dialogue trees, iron-clad linearity, abandoned many of the design elements of previous games and completely does away with roleplaying elements. Your choices in achieving your goals are limited to different implementations of violence. The characters are one-dimensional...
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    Fallout 1 - There has to be a better way to do this...

    You are absolutely right. I'd forgotten about that. Insofar as equipment, though, he's probably got all he needs for the rest of the game.
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    Alternate title?

    You know, I think you're absolutely right. For all its flaws, Fallout 3 isn't really a bad RPG in its own right (IMHO). If it were given a "side-story" title, it'd probably be regarded the way Fallout Tactics is.
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    Was Dad a Psycho?

    I never really thought about that. I guess I always assumed the purifier ran on nuclear power like everything else, and he somehow flooded the chamber with radioactivity...somehow. Or maybe he could somehow flood the chamber with all the waste they'd purified out of the water during preliminary...
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    Van Buren content used in new games

    As for Fallout 3, I believe Harold turning into a tree in the Oasis was taken from a Van Buren plotline. Which is kind of a shame. Out of everything they could have used, they have to dump on poor old Harold?
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    Fallout 1 - There has to be a better way to do this...

    Listen to this man. Remember to use the barter screen. (I bought my copy of Fallout from a garage sale and didn't get the manual, so for my first playthrough I thought this was the only way to transfer equipment. I remember being miffed that Ian was insisting I pay for my plasma rifle...
  9. S

    T51b Armour sprite

    I registered just to thank you for this fantastic sprite. Great work, Darin! Fallout Tactics has a hardcoded number of character sprites; unarmoured, leather, metal, environmental and power (and others like raider, mutant, etc but we won't get into those). To use this sprite, I replaced the...