MaToX said:Problem is that General in first bunker wears original FOT ADV. power armor while paladins and warriors wears T51B :/.
MaToX said:Problem is that General in first bunker wears original FOT ADV. power armor while paladins and warriors wears T51B :/.
Generals are wearing ordinary BOS PA and are generally of UniqueOther race.MaToX said:Problem is that General in first bunker wears original FOT ADV. power armor while paladins and warriors wears T51B :/.
This is hardcoded limitation and it's been removed since FT Improver v2.0 for all races.TwoEyedYum said:He uses unique armor (unique character sprite), so don't blame him )).
If you would start a new BOS campaign by using FT Improver v2.0 general's appearance would change to an ordinary BOS PA thanks to "Armour types patch v2" which removes any limitations put on armour types regardless of character's race.TwoEyedYum said:I wonder if i can change his appearance too...
I disagree the default armour fits the game style, maybe not with the rpgs but then none of the games art direction really fits the rpgs.Deep One said:I agree! original Tactics power armor did feel out of place.![]()
Unarmoured I hope, if there's one sprite that doesn't fit the rpgs or even FOT's style is the armoured supermutant.Deep One said:That's why i played the game as a supermutant.
2hmt said: