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  1. Zerginfestor

    What the fuck happened to Fallout 4's weapons?

    Their lack of knowledge on how firearms and laser weaponry work is pretty evident with none other than the Assault Rifle. Seriously, reload that bastard, or the Revolver. Both of these weapons defy the Laws of Physics, reloading a Revolver pointing it up and whipping it slowly to the right while...
  2. Zerginfestor

    No idea, but I would like to join it anyhow and make sure it's somewhat alive.

    No idea, but I would like to join it anyhow and make sure it's somewhat alive.
  3. Zerginfestor

    Mass Effect Andromada: What we know so far

    The entire scenario of this game makes absolutely no fucking sense. Colonization, but there isn't several, if not, HUNDREDS of ships in tow with different resources and population to begin...well..colonization. What kind of fucking idiot sends one ship to a totally different galaxy and is just...
  4. Zerginfestor

    War Thunder Apologetics.

    When the German AA car is scarier to deal with than the actual fucking tanks, you know you have a fucked up game.
  5. Zerginfestor

    War Thunder Apologetics.

    please, as an American Tank player, I have to say leveling American Tank is literally hell. It's all fun and games in rank 1 and 2 until you're slammed into a wall by a fucking sledgehammer wielded by a Russian bandit going "WELCOME TO RANK 3, SUKA!". From my experience, you HAVE to play on RB...
  6. Zerginfestor

    What the fuck happened to Fallout 4's weapons?

    Wow, 5 whole pages, if not more, of people biting his bait and derailing this topic. Anyhow, I think I said this before, but besides the weapon design being god awful (assault Rifle being an ass of a rile, Flamer looking unrealistic for any situation, even in industrial areas, pipe weapons...
  7. Zerginfestor

    What the fuck happened to Fallout 4's Armour!?

    Oh, I was talking about NV. Lol.
  8. Zerginfestor

    What the fuck happened to Fallout 4's Armour!?

    wut? Which AP round that didn't work? So far I used 5.56, SWC .44 and 357, Flechette, and they seemed to work fine. Is it .308 or .50? Anyhow, yes, the armor in 4 are godawful, with Leather heavy armor with studded mod for maximum DR and ER made you look like some fetishboy into BDSM. Heavy...
  9. Zerginfestor

    Metro 2033 Redux was...okay. Sure, weapon mods and all that, but the difficulty and placement of...

    Metro 2033 Redux was...okay. Sure, weapon mods and all that, but the difficulty and placement of weapons feels try-hard at best. Prefer old.
  10. Zerginfestor

    Trump wins

    Love it when the left media is STILL shoveling bullshit. I wonder if Trump will crush them or just let them wander about, slowly dying and rotting away as their viewers hardly help pay their finances and cause a collapse in their foundation.
  11. Zerginfestor

    seriously, girlfriend was watching it going all "ohh this is cute!", all the while my DOMINANT...

    seriously, girlfriend was watching it going all "ohh this is cute!", all the while my DOMINANT, ALPHA MALE MIND was going: jesus fucking christ, what the fuck is with this cast of rejects? Why is everyone feminine except for some fema-oh I'm sorry..GEMS. And the sex
  12. Zerginfestor

    Steven's Universe makes realized how much you can get away with kids in a really bad fucking way.

    Steven's Universe makes realized how much you can get away with kids in a really bad fucking way.
  13. Zerginfestor

    I forgot how much fun Skyrim modded is with a mage class...but then I forgot about level scaling...

    I forgot how much fun Skyrim modded is with a mage class...but then I forgot about level scaling and magic tomes being fucking expensive.
  14. Zerginfestor

    Worst mechanics in gaming?

    Using Damage Resistance as the main source of defense instead of being a subtype of defense. It is, without a doubt, the worst fucking mechanic to use in a game as a sole use of defense. It ruins immersion, and ruins challenge. oh, and Damage Bleedthrough. That can also burn in a pit of hellfire.