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  1. Big No

    Walpknut's just salty he has to share his country's name with a city full of religious racists.

    Walpknut's just salty he has to share his country's name with a city full of religious racists.
  2. Big No

    Fallout 76 Wastelander add-on released

    Worst part is you probably couldn't even bring up these arguments with someone who likes Wastelanders because all they'd say is "You wanted humans and speech checks, you got them and are still unhappy."
  3. Big No

    I'm more annoyed the updates keep turning off my computer so I need to keep logging back into...

    I'm more annoyed the updates keep turning off my computer so I need to keep logging back into Pornhub.
  4. Big No

    Wastelanders DLC?

    So is Wastelanders unironically good or is it at best meh?
  5. Big No

    Really didn't like the ending where not only are you a clone of the VD, but you're also the...

    Really didn't like the ending where not only are you a clone of the VD, but you're also the Courier. Kills alot of the RP for both characters and gives the implication the whole world revolves around the VD and nothing else.
  6. Big No

    Admitting to cannibalism are we?

    Admitting to cannibalism are we?
  7. Big No

    Essentially, Darksydephil was supposed to go to court today for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and most...

    Essentially, Darksydephil was supposed to go to court today for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and most likely chickened out.
  8. Big No

    DSP tries it: Not going to court

    DSP tries it: Not going to court
  9. Big No

    Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey

    Nothing is ever really a 10/10 in my view. 10/10 would indicate complete flawlessness and everybody unanimously loves it. The Godfather trilogy is a beautiful set of movies but all movies can be improved here and there. There can also be stuff like movie goofs or something that can take out the...
  10. Big No

    Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey

    I get reviews are supposed to be somewhat subjective, so if a stories' issues didn't bother you ,then they didn't bother you. But a line has got to be drawn somewhere as to when liking the product and it's actual quality. I unironically enjoy F3 & F4 alot but I understand they have heavy flaws...
  11. Big No

    Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey

    "Ride to Hell: Retribution never crashed once for me, 9/10."
  12. Big No

    New York isn’t a crater. Fallout 4 confirms as much.

    True, but Fallout has always taken a bit of liberty when it comes to how destroyed a prewar city is. From the first two games, Necropolis, SF and The Boneyard took alot of damage, but they're definitely not craters. I'd imagine that level of destruction would be something like The Glowing Sea...
  13. Big No

    New York isn’t a crater. Fallout 4 confirms as much.

    Regarding the OP, is it stated someplace that New York was supposed to be a crater or is it just assumed to be since such a important city would be a huge target naturally?
  14. Big No

    ROTS had all the best memes.

    ROTS had all the best memes.
  15. Big No

    If he made more Revenge of the Sith-like films then I'd accept them.

    If he made more Revenge of the Sith-like films then I'd accept them.
  16. Big No

    Begenerates bike you celong on a dross!

    Begenerates bike you celong on a dross!
  17. Big No

    Bethesda NEVER Understood Fallout Video Essay

    So, it doesn't exist because you hated Wasteland 2?
  18. Big No

    Finally found an avatar I'm satisfied with

    Finally found an avatar I'm satisfied with
  19. Big No

    Bethesda NEVER Understood Fallout Video Essay

    Implying part of Fallout's charm isn't the characters and story :P
  20. Big No

    Bethesda NEVER Understood Fallout Video Essay

    I'm surprised nobody has pointed out the video is made by Shamus Young who did that Fallout 3 article sometime back.