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  1. M

    Hilarious video.

    What in blazes is this crap?
  2. M

    Brian Mitsoda announces DoubleBear, Zombie RPG

  3. M

    Caleb Cleveland's non-FOOL FOOL art

    Why do I have the felling i've seen those guns in the third pic in some other game? Besides Fallout 3esque stuff.
  4. M

    No more DLCs?

    Fallout 3: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fight injustice around the wasteland with the help of the famous 4 Turtles! Nunchuks, Shurikens, Sais...all that crap! for 800 Microsoft Points I can see it already. We're screwed.
  5. M

    No more DLCs?

    Fallout 4 will be a DLC. 'nuff said.
  6. M

    Mothership Zeta released

    In the next installment, Fallout: Area 51!
  7. M

    Things we learned from Fallout 3

    Lobotomized or just plain retarded?
  8. M

    Free Fallouts in Portugal

    I think it has Fallout Tactics has well.
  9. M

    Things we learned from Fallout 3

    280 - Nuka Cola magicaly closes bullet Holes 281 - Water can cure anything, even AIDS! 282 - The Enclave can't release a Virus into the Airstream.