Brian Mitsoda announces DoubleBear, Zombie RPG

Zombie Apocalypse games edge into the material NMA covers, but the fact that it looks like a turn-based, Fallout-style RPG puts it right into interest material.

Brian Mitsoda (Vampire: Bloodlines) and Annie Carlson (NWN2: Storm of Zehir) have formed DoubleBear, an independent studio that, using Iron Tower Studio tech, is making a survival-style RPG set in a zombie apocalypse. More details on the official forum.<blockquote>Was hoping to save this for a rainy day, but it is cloudy here in Seattle today, so here we go. As the speculators have correctly guessed, yes, DoubleBear’s first game is indeed a Zombie RPG, which we have fondly referred to as a ZRPG internally. Before people start running in all kinds of directions with that, here’s what I will confirm:

-Set during the breakdown of society as emergence of zombies causes widespread panic and disorder.

-Slow, shambling zombies. Spreads like a virus/bite transmission. No, you are not a zombie, that would be stupid.

-Serious examination of a national crisis or natural disaster. Humans and a lack of order are a bigger threat than the undead. Think Hurricane Katrina, Children of Men, Dawn of the Dead NOT Resident Evil, Return of the Living Dead, zombie shooter-type games.

-Game is about survival. Scavenging resources, exploring the area, dealing with other survivors, and managing a “shelter” of sorts are the main focus of the game. More on this later.

-Game is open-ended. There are characters and events that could happen, but the story depends on where you go, what you do, and who you meet. Of course, there’s a lot more to this and we'll go into more details as time goes on.</blockquote>
Sorry for swaggerjacking your post there, Tard. I forgot to post about this days ago and kept forgetting to post about it, so I'm just using your post for it.
Wow, zombies and TB tactical combat.

This guys put the "awe" in Awesome.

Hope it turns out good.
I just see text but where are pix? I am dumb and need visual input.
I'm no fan of zombie stuff in general, but this could be fairly interesting. There are way too few decent turn-based RPGs around, we need more :)
As long as they don't make it combat heavy (against Zombies anyway) then, sure, I'll bite.

Get it? Bite. *clears throat*
It is more of an announcement of the founding (of the studio DoubleBear). The details about their game in production were nagged out of them after the news spread by word of mouth. There isn't an official announcement yet. (You can think of this as a Fifa 2011 announcement for comparison :))
...It doesn't rain in Seattle! At least, not for the past 4 months.

-At any rate, I'm intrigued by this announcement.
generalissimofurioso said:
DoubleBear said:
-Slow, shambling zombies. Spreads like a virus/bite transmission. No, you are not a zombie, that would be stupid.

It's kind of sad that it needed to be said.

But it did need to be said.
Come on guys! I hope you can be this lvl 60 undead Bloodmage, who flies, has over 9000 spells, can kill humans with some kind of magical assisted targeting system and infects them with some magic potion.

Seriously though, I hope this will be good, with classical zombies à la George Romero or Max Brooks. And no monthly fee, please.
NFSreloaded said:
And no monthly fee, please.
Pretty sure this is not an online game, so that shouldn't be a concern.

Very interesting news. I for one am definitely rooting for this studio.
Iron Tower? That's the "Age of Decadence" game, right?

Looks like a good game engine, but I'm basing that entirely on those screenshots! I've been hearing about this game for years but as far as I know there isn't even a demo yet? If there is I'd like to check it out!

Looks like an updated Fallout (clearly inspired by Fallout, how could you imply this isn't in your area of interest!?) and it seems like they have a good design philosophy. At this point I'm just worried that the game engine will be obsolete by the time they release it.

As far as the announcement by DoubleBear, I'd normally be concerned that neither of them is a programmer (they both have design background only, right?) but seeing as how they are using a third party game engine I guess that may not be a factor. So, I'll wish them luck! I'd really love it if somebody (anybody) could make a game that didn't leave me mumbling to myself about "potential" and "if only". I don't recall having those thoughts an hour or two into playing the top-flight games of the (distant!?) past.

But who am I fooling? I'll buy it no matter what. If I can spend $40 bucks on East India Trading Company and give up on it after an hour just because I was too lazy to download the demo, I'll pretty much fall for anything.
Sounds a lot like Fallout in a PA Zombie setting so it could be good. No offense to Iron Tower but DoubleBear using their engine doesn't really inspire me in any way.

You guys don’t even know how horrible piracy is to PC sales.
Neither do you or anyone else, there is no data on it. I didn't really read the whole interview but she doesn't seem to have much experience at all which is hardly inspiring.

We'll see, the game sounds conceptually good but that's always the easy part. As they say, the proof is in the puddin'.