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  1. MKSaibot

    Hate Newspapers Thread

    HAHAHAH I love it
  2. MKSaibot

    Full perk list:

    Well instead of making a thread like this that I made back before New Vegas released that turned out kind of fun, I will haft to make "What Greek God or demi God would you create in...
  3. MKSaibot

    Full perk list:

    No their is no limit, but I personally never go past level 50 with my character builds in Skyrim, especially with how you level up by the skills you use. At level 50 in Skyrim you have a specific build, and its really just tough to continue leveling past 50 unless you purposely go out of your...
  4. MKSaibot

    First Impression of Fallout 4

    Honestly the 2287 date sucks, it took a fair chunk of my excitement level for the BoS in Fallout 4. All that speculation in that "What BoS division is in Fallout 4" thread went straight out the window with that date. It really would have been the most badass thing ever to see MwBoS in Fallout 4...
  5. MKSaibot

    Full perk list:

    Yes it is similar but its not the same either. In Skyrim you only leveled by Skills, their are no Skills in Fallout 4, just SPECIAL and Perks. You get XP the same way you got XP in Fallout 1, 2, 3, and NV. Its honestly more customizationable and gives you more options. In Skyrim to get a...
  6. MKSaibot

    Full perk list:

    Yea but see you can't have a build like that until way later, I can imagine that would take a long time. Its not Fable 2 or 3. Let me explain, In Fallout 4 if you spread out all your SPECIAL points evenly you will have 4 in every SPECIAL at the start of the game. FAR less points, much lower...
  7. MKSaibot

    Full perk list:

    Yea but what variations? Have they all been confirmed yet? Because I only know like 3, some of Gunslingers Ranks, and then Big Leagues which Bethesda showed off.
  8. MKSaibot

    Full perk list:

    That is what I am trying to tell you guys, their is a lot more to the Perk Chart then shown. Their is like two or three Perks within Gunslingers Ranks from previous Fallout games (F3/NV). If all we got was what we see now, I wouldn't touch Fallout 4, id be over, the series would done, the RPG...
  9. MKSaibot

    Full perk list:

    Yea its a start, orcz has this list up as well, that may be where Kilus found it, either way thanks for sharing it. Just remember not all the Perk ranks do the same thing within one given Perk. For example, Gunslinger increases damage 20% Rank 1, but has other properties beyond just...
  10. MKSaibot

    Fallout 4 leaked screenshots (SPOILERS)

    Yea I didn't even really give this much thought until now, well shit.
  11. MKSaibot

    What BoS division do you speculate is in Boston?

    Yea I am tired of the Enclave, they were awesome in Fallout 2, it was surprising for me when I first saw Frank Horrigan and two MkII Enclave soldiers slaughter random people in a random encounter in Fallout 2. Totally unexpected, the Enclave just got cooler from their in Fallout 2. In Fallout 3...
  12. MKSaibot

    Canceled Darth Maul game might come back

    :surprised: Yea 1313 I don't know if that is coming back or not, I have not looked into it. I will say that is one of the three things that I am worried about for the Darth Maul game. They will think its too violent, and dark for kids even though its not going to be presented as a kids game...
  13. MKSaibot

    What BoS division do you speculate is in Boston?

    Hey by the way when someone finds out what division is in Fallout 4 please post it here. I can't wait to know, I will probably be one of the first players to get in contact with the BoS leaving the vault in Fallout 4 because I cannot wait to see what they are like, and their origins.
  14. MKSaibot

    Fallout 4 leaked screenshots (SPOILERS)

    Morrowind definitely had a better balance in difficulty, it didn't feel too easy or hard because of certain systems in place. Skyrim you haft to work to make the game difficult, maybe even a overhaul mod depending on what your doing. Right now I am on a pretty good vanilla vampire play through...
  15. MKSaibot

    First Impression of Fallout 4

    Thank you Walpknut for translating everything, much appreciated. TorrontRayne I agree with everything you hit on except the Power Armor, that is actually the one thing I am looking forward to with Fallout 4. However I am not surprised about the leaked information we have received on the...
  16. MKSaibot

    What BoS division do you speculate is in Boston?

    lol @ TheChosen1's signature :rofl:
  17. MKSaibot

    Lazy Game Reviews reviews Fallout

    Ha I thought this was a Fallout 4 review for a second, I clicked on this thread in such a hurry. Scanning through the review he doesn't seem like the biggest Fallout fan, I personally loved every second of Fallout 2. It was the game that brought me into the series, I remember when I walked...
  18. MKSaibot

    Canceled Darth Maul game might come back

    This is true, but if I am understanding Red Fly's intentions they still want to make a Darth Maul origin game, before Episode 1. They want to start the game out with Maul age 9 to 10, and go from their. I mean I will take about any Darth Maul game though, id haft to be pretty bad for me not to...
  19. MKSaibot

    What BoS division do you speculate is in Boston?

    Well everyone, its been a fun speculation, but it is now over. The game takes place 210 years after the bombs fall, it has been confirmed. That blows every possible speculation out the window, its who the hell knows now. It could be any division, and it would sadly make sense with a 10 year gap...
  20. MKSaibot

    Fallout 4 leaked screenshots (SPOILERS)

    The game takes place 210 years after the bombs fall not 200 years, that apparently is evident now. That sucks, that blows out any speculation about what BoS division is in Fallout 4, who the fuck knows now. I am preparing for Feed the People White Knight Lyon's Pride Steel Be With you of...