Lazy Game Reviews reviews Fallout

Ha I thought this was a Fallout 4 review for a second, I clicked on this thread in such a hurry.

Scanning through the review he doesn't seem like the biggest Fallout fan, I personally loved every second of Fallout 2. It was the game that brought me into the series, I remember when I walked into EB Games to pick it up, one of the new release PC games. I think it was one of if not my first turn based game, and it still remains the only game I have ever liked (at all) with turn based combat.

Fallout 2 remains my favorite single player rpg of all time, and while I never really played Fallout 1, its basically the same game mechanically. I spoiled myself on the story so much with Fallout 1 that I have trouble getting myself to play it.
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Fallout 2 is certainly the best.
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Implying Fallout is inferior to any of the other games in the franchise is heresy!
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Before FO3, in the old days, I met the very rarity of - not one - but TWO Fallout-players in a school I went to. Just amazing! I also live in a small country, so even more amazing. One of them had actually played Tactics, and we exchanged some advice

But the other guy, man was he a purist :D He saw me as some leper because I had enjoyed FO2 :D In good humor of course, but I would have loved to speak to him again, now that FO3 and 4 are in the world - FO2 doesn't look so bad anymore, does it!? :'D
What is this I don't even.. Is he really considering graphics and user interface in first Fallout to be much worse than modern bethesdean atrocity? Those gamepad toting millennials! Also, reviews shouldn't have been maked with Hi-Res patch, because dialogue/stats/inventory screens looks shitty when centered on a huge map.