Search results

  1. Yamu

    Arabic peoples and communities in the Fallout universe?

    We can thank Vault 15 for the Indian/Middle-Eastern flavor and the largely Indian religious concept of Dharma in Shady Sands, at least according to the Fallout Bible. I'm not sure how much of this extends back to the actual development of Fallout 1, as the concept of the Vault Experiments didn't...
  2. Yamu

    Anyone else tired of the old factions?

    I'm conflicted about cutting Karma entirely (for admittedly stodgy reasons-- it's been more or less broken from the start, but it's also been there from the start), but I think you're spot-on about religious/ideological donations not effecting it. Rather than a temporary skill/stat bump to your...
  3. Yamu

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    No idea what Nox is, but I know teenage me would think that would've made good art for a Magic: The Gathering card. 7.5/10
  4. Yamu

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Ahhh, Kaoru, where would the world be without your warm, selfless, utterly confusing hoyay? 7/10. Would be higher if I wasn't so busy trying to deal with all these strange, conflicted feeling in my pantsal region you suddenly seem to have reminded me of.
  5. Yamu

    Which series would you bring back?

    Yeah, pretty much everything under your tag was right on, at least the ones I've played and can actually vouch for. It's just that with so many games going in so very many directions, the only possible response aside from a text wall would be to give rads. (Which I seem to have forgotten to do...
  6. Yamu

    Anyone else tired of the old factions?

    I don't think the core region is as spent or civilized as some might believe. Just because there are lines drawn around certain territories on a map and they all pay taxes to the same guy doesn't mean the NCR states are safe or organized. Their military is mainly a tool of the state, stretched...
  7. Yamu

    Did James have to kill himself in Fallout 3?

    Essential NPCs can't suffer or die, so the closest you'd be able to get him to "living hell" would be "bullet-induced narcolepsy." He'd probably just stand there occasionally scolding you and offer you more bullets when you ran out. Also, add "mass manslaughter" to his crimes-- I'd have to...
  8. Yamu

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    True as it may be, it does baffle me that someone's always gotta throw that qual in there. "Nazis were bad" equates to "all Nazis were bad" in the same way that "cigarettes cause cancer" equates to "every cigarette will give you cancer," which is to say not at all.
  9. Yamu

    I finally did it

    @SnapSlav: It was a rare thing for me to find a handheld port to be anything but a watered-down time waster, but Game Gear's Sonic 2 is a perennial favorite. I used to play it every time I was home sick from school (which was a lot), and even though I got beating it down to a science it never...
  10. Yamu

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    I remember watching "All Quiet On The Western Front" in high school, after we read the novel. Good stuff, that. One of the first books the Third Reich ever burned. They also made us watch Swing Kids about a thousand times. Can't say I remember it very fondly, but it's sincere in its schmaltz if...
  11. Yamu

    No More Level Caps

    I'll mirror what Korin says, mostly: I think more important than level caps is whether the process of leveling up is actually balanced and rewarding. Fallout 1 actually did have a level cap-- a scant (by modern standards) 21-- and reaching it was a real accomplishment a casual player of the game...
  12. Yamu

    Fallout Mini Wargame

    I don't know anything off the top of my head. Googling "Roman Soldier Miniatures" or just "Roman Miniatures" brings up a few good leads, but the problem you run into there is that the Legion are pretty lousy at being Romans, especially vis-a-vis the use of shields, which a lot of Roman mini...
  13. Yamu

    NCR's Treatment of Arcade In "Fight At The Dam" NCR Ending

    You're not wrong about the NCR overall, but I don't think the reasoning holds up where it applies to their attitudes about Arcade or The Enclave in particular. WWII analogies aren't a great fit because there never really WAS a hot war with the Enclave. Nearly every aspect of Nazi Germany's...
  14. Yamu

    Nerding out on internet purchases

    You're a man of good taste, TVD. In "purchases I didn't actually make myself," my girlfriend handed me a mildly belated birthday gift this morning that consisted of a folded slip of paper in a quickly improvised paperboard box. What I thought was going to be a cutesy IOU turned out to be a...
  15. Yamu

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    GORE BAG! 'Nuff said. 8/10. (The resolution makes my eyes hurt, but the image itself makes my heart sing and dance. Like Gene Kelley in "Singin' In The Rain," only with viscera instead of water.)
  16. Yamu

    Fallout Mini Wargame

    There are actually a lot of pro-quality kitbashes and custom sculpts to be found out there on hobby forums (even DeviantArt), and a lot of the artists take commissions. I'm sure that for wasteland skags, critters, and the like, you could probably find well-suited generics from existing miniature...