Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

I have owned Super Mario Bros, in one form or another, since I was a kid. Like many older gamers, I have come to memorize the first few stages down to the number of floating bricks, over the years. From time to time, I'd be repeatedly baffled to realize that I had never actually finished the game but my every attempt had resulted in my ass being handed to me quite fiercely... until moments ago!
I did it old school: I used no saves or warp zones and I did not look up any hints or playthroughs online. I used whatever secrets I had discovered over the years, which was basically just pressing down on every sewer pipe in hopes of a secret coin area. I used no glitches or tricks and Game Over meant exactly what it would have all those years ago.
After not having played the game for a few months, my first attempt on Saturday got me to World 7-1. I'm generally not a gaming pro so that wasn't bad, I felt. The second attempt on Sunday, got me to a nail-biting, heartbreaking 8-2. Monday, I got to 8-4 twice (and close to losing my damn mind) and a revenge 3AM session got me the screen you see above.
I was actually quite surprised because I had no idea that 8-4 was the last castle. I was sure that there were at least 9 worlds, and for some reason I expected the last level to take place on a ship with bullets flying my way (I was confusing it with some other Mario game, Mario 3 I think). I'm also surprised at how short the game is (I got it done in less than an hour in my last session) and how close I had actually gotten to beating it before.
Anyway, this may not be the most impressive gaming achievement out there but it is one of the most significant ones for me. Sure, I am entirely more pleased with this than a grown man should be, but if you think about it, it's almost a life long gaming goal, so

Oh, to justify the thread, if anyone wants to share their equivalent of this or one that they are planning, I'd like to read it.