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  1. ResetRPG

    Got married last Sunday bros :-))))

    Got married last Sunday bros :-))))
  2. ResetRPG

    10 best games.

    Yeah, I thought that too, especially after I replayed it. It has wonderful presentation, a beautiful world, pretty good writing, and EXCELLENT ACTING from the cast, but the gameplay felt so shallow. Even on Death March I didn't really find much enjoyment in it. I certainly understand the...
  3. ResetRPG

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    I think that's the main way people have become fans, either that or Fallout 4 or god forbid- Fallout 76 (which I will always champion to be leagues worse than 4). This is especially the way if you're younger than like 30-35 lol. Fallout 3 was ridiculously popular, and it did a great job of...
  4. ResetRPG

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Welcome to our small little corner of the internet! Happy to have ya.
  5. ResetRPG


    I played Starfield for like 2 hours and was so utterly bored by it. With Bethesda I can usually get past the drudgery of their games, but god it was so overwhelmingly boring. Like 90% of what you do in the game is look at fucking loading screens, and how the hell did the shooting mechanics...
  6. ResetRPG

    History of NMA

    What is DAC?
  7. ResetRPG

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    The Outer Worlds was definitely a letdown, especially in retrospect. While the game was certainly enjoyable, there were multiple flaws ranging from the story to the gameplay. If I'm being honest though, I still highly enjoy the works from Obsidian- so I am definitely wanting to play Avowed and...
  8. ResetRPG

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Gentlemen, how we feeling about Avowed?
  9. ResetRPG


    Shoutout gamepass allowing me to play this for free. I'm still a sucker for Bugthesda games. :aiee:
  10. ResetRPG

    Kotaku Sucks

    This is truly what Tim Cain envisioned.
  11. ResetRPG

    Kotaku Sucks

    Fallout needs to be more like Call of Duty. I need to be able to call in a WMD on a bunch of nerds when I get a 25 killstreak from camping in a corner.
  12. ResetRPG

    Kotaku Sucks

    You have never had a bad take in your entire life brother.
  13. ResetRPG

    Kotaku Sucks

    Literally the only thing I spit ->
  14. ResetRPG

    Kotaku Sucks

    Fallout Brotherhood of Steel is the greatest video game of all time, Toronto.
  15. ResetRPG

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I LIVE! I finally played through Dying Light 2- had a fun time. I really enjoyed the parkour mechanics- killing zombies is always a guilty pleasure. Finally replaying the Baldur's Gate games, playing as a Gnome Fighter/Illusionist and having a great time. Trying to finish up the last 2 base...
  16. ResetRPG

    (Xbox Release) Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition Thread

    I know, I need to get a Keyboard and mouse... :yuck:
  17. ResetRPG


  18. ResetRPG

    (Xbox Release) Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition Thread

    Just got the Xbox release of AOE II: DE, and it still holds up as one of the greatest RTS games, and one of my personal favorites. The QoL improvements are great, and it's definitely worth buying if you want to jump back into the series or replay AOE II specifically. Thoughts on the game?
  19. ResetRPG


    Eh, in terms of immersion, I think it depends on the goal of the game really. But I do agree that isometric games are awesome. In terms of games that I can get fully immersed it, it has lately been 4X, Grand Strategy, and RTS games. I haven't played as many CRPGs as I would like to.