Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

In my case I had never heard of Fallout prior to 2008
I also never heard of Fallout prior to 3. I remember seeing Fallout 3 on the store shelf and wondering when the hell 1 and 2 came out. But I was very young at the time, so I didn't grow up in the era where F1 and F2 were in their prime. Heck, I wasn't even born yet.
I also never heard of Fallout prior to 3. I remember seeing Fallout 3 on the store shelf and wondering when the hell 1 and 2 came out. But I was very young at the time, so I didn't grow up in the era where F1 and F2 were in their prime. Heck, I wasn't even born yet.
In my case, I was a console gamer growing up in the 90's and while my family had a PC (at that point), none of us knew how to use it and seen as more of a source of looking things up. Also the few games we had for it, either didn't work or ran so poorly it wasn't worth it. By the time I had full time access to a PC, I was 18.
So I suppose what I'm asking is, if anyone that had FO3 as their first Fallout, fell back into the earlier titles and enjoy them more than the later titles. I know from a lot of back and forth from people online, it seems like if your first Fallout was 3, you generally have more appreciation for the later titles and little to no regard for the earlier ones (and vice versa).
I'd say this is generally true but not true for the kinds of people who find themselves on forum sites these years. Most people who found Fallout will enjoy it more from where they discovered it at initially and for many reasons. One of the most obvious ones is that your first enjoyment of something tends to be very fresh and novel and each subsequent thing you engage with about it, that initial allure wears off. As well as how the gaming landscape changed from the late 90s into the late 2000s and early 2010s. Many people who grew up playing their first games in the 2000s might see something like the classic Fallouts as outdated when they really just don't have much of a desire to play (many) games without real time action and first/third person perspective.

But for most people here I'd say they have a much higher appreciation of the classics despite where they initially got into Fallout. I knew of this site for a long time but avoided it due to a reputation I was told of. I also didn't really appreciate the classics for awhile. I discovered Fallout with 3 as well, I was 14, so I was young and dumb as most 14 year olds are. I thought it looked really cool and couldn't wait to get my hands on my own copy to play more of it. Few years later New Vegas comes out and I thought it was a remarkable step up in every way and it got me looking at the original games and I tried to get into them but was convinced that they were too esoteric or hard or something. And when Fallout 4 was announced I was foolishly in belief that Bethesda would take a lot of notes from New Vegas. And I played Fallout 4 and really tried to enjoy that game despite how disappointed I was in it. And when I went back to play it again my friend asked me what I was doing one morning and I was like oh you know trying to slog through this Fallout 4 DLC and he said something like, "Sounds like you're not having fun with it. Did you ever beat the originals?" and I explained that I never went back to try them again because they're too hard or some other bullshit excuse. He called me out on it and insisted that I go try again and I might actually like it. And he was right, I fell in love with Fallout and Fallout 2. I found that I really enjoyed these more than any Bethesda published title. So it took some time and frustration with how the current games were being watered down for me to really give older games a chance but I eventually did and I'm glad I did.
I just find it interesting, that I find more enjoyment out of something a lot of more recent fans would consider archaic or unplayable.

New Vegas, while I enjoy the story and world building, after a few thousand hours (most of that time came when I finally got a decent PC in 2018 and then built my own in 2020), I can't play it anymore. It's issues, bugs, memory leaks and just general long term stability, have outweighed it's positives.
So I suppose what I'm asking is, if anyone that had FO3 as their first Fallout, fell back into the earlier titles and enjoy them more than the later titles.
Mostly what happened to me as well, but i like New Vegas as well. In fact i like it more than Fallout 2 honestly.
Hello, I was replaying FO1 and FO2 and this website helped me find the restoration project.

Looks like an interesting, yet in Internet terms, ancient community.
Welcome to our small little corner of the internet!

Happy to have ya.
Absolutely, I started with F3 and fell in love with it, hated New Vegas as I thought it was boring, played F4 and liked it. Then I learned to get over the many prejudices I had about the classic games and played them, fell in love with them, and as a result opened my eyes with New Vegas upon returning to it. After which I couldn't enjoy F3 and F4 the same again from a storytelling basis. Crazy to think I was only 8 when F3 came out, I still have many fond memories with it.
I think that's the main way people have become fans, either that or Fallout 4 or god forbid- Fallout 76 (which I will always champion to be leagues worse than 4). This is especially the way if you're younger than like 30-35 lol.

Fallout 3 was ridiculously popular, and it did a great job of introducing new fans into an *at the time* dead franchise. I can respect it for that, but it is certainly very flawed.
I think that's the main way people have become fans, either that or Fallout 4 or god forbid- Fallout 76 (which I will always champion to be leagues worse than 4).
Fallout 3 was ridiculously popular, and it did a great job of introducing new fans into an *at the time* dead franchise. I can respect it for that, but it is certainly very flawed.

Heh, GUILTY! :nod:
I'm definitely a part of the New Generation Fallout Fans that got into the series through Fallout 3.

Also yes, I 100% agree that 76 is the absolute worst!

Heh, GUILTY! :nod:
I'm definitely a part of the New Generation Fallout Fans that got into the series through Fallout 3.

Also yes, I 100% agree that 76 is the absolute worst!

I used to really dislike Fallout 3, but I think it has grown back on me a little bit. Maybe it's nostalgia, but I have had a lot of fun replaying it and achievement hunting.

I think if you treat it as a really watered down action RPG rather than a continuation of the originals, like what NV tried, (and mostly succeeded in doing) you can have a lot of fun in the game shooting and looting. It just requires some suspension of disbelief for the more inane parts lol.

Yeah, I could get into Fallout 4, especially with the mods because I thought the gunplay was fairly okay, and the world was pretty interesting, but none of me liked 76. Hearing that it was a survival MMO-esque game immediately turned me off. After trying it for so many hours, I still feel that way.

It takes everything bad from 4 and amplifies it while adding in a really ram shackled multiplayer component.
I actually preferred Fallout 76 to Fallout 4 in a lot of ways, ironically.
I can understand that view point, 76 for all intents and purpose is a spin off game. 4 is probably way closer to what we should expect for the next mainline entry in the series.
Hello all. Used to lurk this site a very long time ago, after I discovered that places like this even existed. Was not until after I finished Fallout 2 that I thought to look for dedicated fans online, and found NMA. Never joined the forums as I already belonged to a lot, but this and one other Fallout fansite kept me coming back for years.

There was of course a huge dry spell after Fallout 2, with just side games to entertain (Tactics) or infuriate (PoS). Played some eurojank knock offs that I learned about from here, and cannot even remember the names of. Oh wait, just remembered one: "The Fall: Last Days Of Gaia"

Then Bethesda picked up the Fallout license, and I got excited. Did not last long, though. Was let down, like many I suspect. Thus began the era of ToddSlop. Watching the show, and seeing its largely positive reaction finally drove me over the edge - so here I am.

Very glad you all still exist here. Thanks.
Funny that's the first thing to pop in your head from my one word. Honestly I screwed up when I was typing and decided to leave it.