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  1. Kamaz

    Space Wreck available now!

    Oh, nice, extensive reports! Thank you!
  2. Kamaz

    Space Wreck available now!

    Hm, yeah, not cool! Thanks for reporting!
  3. Kamaz

    Broken Roads set to release on November 14th

    Why is there such a low interest? For one, it is an indie falloutlike - isometric and all. Also, that moral compass thing is smth curious, I don't think that's been in other games before. Didn't try the demo, though.
  4. Kamaz

    SpaceWreck - Fallout inspired isometric retro indie RPG

    Got it. Well, truth be told, the brochure does pop-up. However, you can just tick a box to prevent it from doing that again. And, since it is an item in your inventory, you can open it manually at any time.
  5. Kamaz

    SpaceWreck - Fallout inspired isometric retro indie RPG

    Thanks! Happy to hear this works for you because I was worried the tutorial popups are too annoying.
  6. Kamaz

    SpaceWreck - Fallout inspired isometric retro indie RPG

    We have a tutorial! Sort of. I mean, there's a brochure in your inventory your character picked up in the Space Academy... How dice rolls work, how to sneak, what is combat - a compact read. And you can just throw it away. Because it is an item, of course. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This and more in the latest...
  7. Kamaz

    SpaceWreck - Fallout inspired isometric retro indie RPG

    Update 1.2.65 A cure for randomness If you have ever been frustrated by a dice roll failure, this update is for you! The main focus of this update is on managing the randomness factor in the game. Following player feedback, we noticed complaints about the game's dice rolls. While the math is...
  8. Kamaz

    Space Wreck Full Version Early Access is available NOW!

    Like in many RPGs, containers can be trapped. However, you can disarm the trap, take it and then trap some other container yourself. This can be an alternative way to safely knock out an NPC who has a routine. (* Coming to EA next update.)
  9. Kamaz

    SpaceWreck - Fallout inspired isometric retro indie RPG

    Indeed it is! This is actually where Early Access has been very useful - first of all, based on the feedback we identified that proofreading is significant for our players and, also, we obtained a budget to hire a proper native speaker to go over at least part of the texts.
  10. Kamaz

    SpaceWreck - Fallout inspired isometric retro indie RPG

    Thus far our proofreader (native speaker) has already checked 33,641 words worth of dialogue. That's NPCs from 2 major locations, the first game area KROGUS and the ship BULTA. I estimate we have around 150k words in the game in total. P.S. And, if you are curious, this is the in-house proofing...
  11. Kamaz

    SpaceWreck - Fallout inspired isometric retro indie RPG

    Coming next update: fix up broken robots. Hypothetically, if you can find enough R/C controllers (random drop), you could create a small robot army. And yes, you can repair a broken cambot, use it to destroy another cambot and then fix up that one, and so on. And if any of your bots get...
  12. Kamaz

    SpaceWreck - Fallout inspired isometric retro indie RPG

    Thanks for the feedback! We settled on this style a while ago, and the game is nearing its final release (currently EA), so I don't think it will change.
  13. Kamaz

    SpaceWreck - Fallout inspired isometric retro indie RPG

    Ironically, space is really space. That's why the ships, stations - the levels in the game are so cramped, and sometimes hard to navigate. I think our next update improve things: pixel-perfect selection should make the navigation and interactions easier.
  14. Kamaz

    SpaceWreck - Fallout inspired isometric retro indie RPG

    Multiple save slots Version 1.2.27 We're back with a big one! Most notably - finally we add the feature that existed in Fallout three decades ago - save slots. Now you have 5 more manual save slots in addition to the previous auto, chapter and manual saves. The flow and idea do not...
  15. Kamaz

    Space Wreck Full Version Early Access is available NOW!

    Ah, nice! Glad you decided to give a shot! True. That's why we had to do EA - RPGs are very complex to debug, with all the options and paths. And thanks for reporting this! Good feedback :salute:
  16. Kamaz

    Space Wreck Full Version Early Access is available NOW!

    As it was a valid criticism and easy to implement, in the latest update (1.2.21) we have added an option to change Your character's name in the char sheet. Update for the ref:
  17. Kamaz

    Space Wreck Full Version Early Access is available NOW!

    I don't like my RPGs to have strongly defined protagonists (Witcher, MassEffect) but I want intrigue, a curious promise. If you would give me an RPG where you are somebody somewhere without a context, I would not be drawn into the world and story. That's why I think it is acceptable to write...
  18. Kamaz

    Space Wreck Full Version Early Access is available NOW!

    For the record, I like these questions and concerns.
  19. Kamaz

    Space Wreck Full Version Early Access is available NOW!

    I understand why you - without even superficially checking the game deeper - would assume so. But the thing is, you are a 'captain' only on paper. You have 0 experience. Nobody on the crew knows you, nobody respects you because this is your first day on the job and you've been "shoved in". You...