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  1. Walpknut

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Yeah Scarlet and Violet are simply poorly optimized. No other way around it. I like the game and all but they definetly needed some more time to fix that.
  2. Walpknut

    The one that claims all Gen 1 and 2 designs were super detailed and then renders Pikipek as a...

    The one that claims all Gen 1 and 2 designs were super detailed and then renders Pikipek as a recolored Pidgey as an "improvement"
  3. Walpknut

    You saw that dumb graphic I am guessing.

    You saw that dumb graphic I am guessing.
  4. Walpknut

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    They were all recorded in Mexico I see.
  5. Walpknut

    Never show a Gen 1 Pokemon fan Diglet or Hitmonchan.

    Never show a Gen 1 Pokemon fan Diglet or Hitmonchan.
  6. Walpknut

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    I don't know why you guys think people will read your essays on their spare time lmao
  7. Walpknut

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Been playing Pokemon Scarlet the past week. Most fun I have had with a Pokemon game in years, since like Gen 7. The transition to an open world model was handled really well, Pokemon actually are place naturally in the envirorment and you can find them do ambient stuff like finding Donphan...
  8. Walpknut

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    The unprompted essay lmao Dude I ain't readin' that shit
  9. Walpknut

    Of course the games are easy to you now, you can read now.

    Of course the games are easy to you now, you can read now.
  10. Walpknut

    25+ year old Pokemon fans complaining about the games being easy now is the definition of...

    25+ year old Pokemon fans complaining about the games being easy now is the definition of chasing the dragon.
  11. Walpknut

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    4chan brain is really a disease.
  12. Walpknut

    *Always online weirdo looks at a classic Looney Tunes short*: Ugh furry bait!

    *Always online weirdo looks at a classic Looney Tunes short*: Ugh furry bait!
  13. Walpknut

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    Question, is Fallout 1's story also "Wow cool power armor!"?