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  1. Walpknut

    Spoony was the one in that era that actually talked about new shit but then he went coocoo...

    Spoony was the one in that era that actually talked about new shit but then he went coocoo bananas and became a shut in.
  2. Walpknut

    There really was a whole era of youtube of people whose entire personality was "Media I consumed...

    There really was a whole era of youtube of people whose entire personality was "Media I consumed in grade school".
  3. Walpknut

    Why is every new video game shit?

    Imagine getting to that age when you complain about slang.
  4. Walpknut

    Why is every new video game shit?

    The Evil Within was kinda shit imo. Also the art direction is kinda stupid, the way you stealth kill a zombie with a huge spike going through it's head is to stab it in the head with a dinkly knife? I guess the justification is that none of it is real and it's all the imagination of a mutant kid...
  5. Walpknut

    Why isn't there Musou Power Rangers game yet? Seems like a no brainer genre combo.

    Why isn't there Musou Power Rangers game yet? Seems like a no brainer genre combo.
  6. Walpknut

    Why is every new video game shit?

    You gotta know you are old as fuck mentally when you think flaunting how old you are is a flex.
  7. Walpknut

    We also get them hooked on sugar the second they let go off the tit.

    We also get them hooked on sugar the second they let go off the tit.
  8. Walpknut

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Gas stoves:They will not replace us with electric stoves!
  9. Walpknut

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Well the republican leaders do care a lot lmao
  10. Walpknut

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    They run on freedom gas. Inhale the freedom fumes, don't let the COMMIES take the fumes from you.
  11. Walpknut

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    So, gas stoves are gonna be the new thing conservatives will make part of their entire identity? lmao
  12. Walpknut

    If you simply assume that every rich person is a sociopath you will never get disappointed by...

    If you simply assume that every rich person is a sociopath you will never get disappointed by the news.
  13. Walpknut

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    I wanna watch that movie where he plays himself, heard it was pretty good. Pig as well.
  14. Walpknut

    Is this script for real? I have seen better mysteries on cartoons parodying mysteries.

    Is this script for real? I have seen better mysteries on cartoons parodying mysteries.
  15. Walpknut

    Wow what a.... shit movie holy fuck.

    Wow what a.... shit movie holy fuck.
  16. Walpknut

    Dialogue is fucking terrible.

    Dialogue is fucking terrible.
  17. Walpknut

    So is it fair to assume this is like a murder mystery for kids right? This thing just kinda...

    So is it fair to assume this is like a murder mystery for kids right? This thing just kinda sounds and looks like a live action cartoon, like one of those movies based on books for kids.
  18. Walpknut

    Ok I am about to watch Knives out to see what the fuzz is about.

    Ok I am about to watch Knives out to see what the fuzz is about.
  19. Walpknut

    A bit of cayene pepper really makes everything taste better.

    A bit of cayene pepper really makes everything taste better.