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  1. D

    Fallout 2 & 3 side by side comparison

    you are 100% on the mark. Fallout 3 is not a true Fallout game. Buying a franchise to change a game is like Blizzard making Diablo 3 into a MMORPG like World of Warcraft. You need to expand upon the good idea and games that Fallout 1 and 2 were, not "take the game" in a new direction...
  2. D

    The real issues with Fallout 3, in my opinion.

    I agree with you in that Fallout 3 is not a Fallout game.
  3. D

    Impressions thread for negative impressions

    Worst Fallout Ending Ever. Lamest script ever. Best Robot sequence ever. Leveling up feels more rewarding. Worst voice acting ever. "Replayability"? all actions are superficial and don't mean anything. Not a true Fallout 2 Sequel. Not a true Fallout Game. Good game, but...
  4. D

    Fan Made Fallout demo in a week

    omg dont delay! I'll play your mod even if it's unplayable. Even if all I can do is hover the mouse over objects to get new and unique Pip-Boy Texts! OMG! Don't delay! MUST HAVE TRUE FALLOUT EXPERIENCE, otherwise i'll never work up the courage to just beat F3.
  5. D

    What left the footprint in the desert?

    Ya, Its a godzilla reference. Too bad you couldnt encounter it. That'd be fun.
  6. D

    Vault-Tec experiments dumbest plot line ever

    I for one love the vault-tec social experiments as being part of the plot. You guys arent looking at things correctly if you think it's "lame". The worlds resources HAVE BEEN DEPLETED. Gasoline has been officially exhausted by the worlds major super powers. Each country is preparing a...
  7. D

    So,.....Are you guys still waiting for FMF too?

    I'll be looking forward to the mods you guys mentioned. I'm looking forward to FOOL myself, not the F2 mod, but the official interplay project. I got my fingers crossed. Its too bad it takes a long time to put together some of these mods. I guess thats the difference between getting paid for...
  8. D

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    I was at MICROPLAY and rented Fallout from them. Installed, played, loved it. I was still too young to get very far, but I always had fun loading up my brothers game and blowing everyone up. Once I got older I went back to Fallout and played it through and couldnt help but think "Why is this...
  9. D

    So,.....Are you guys still waiting for FMF too?

    Well, since the abysmal, disappointing and completely unwelcome fallout 3 has made its way onto the scene for all of us true fans to play just to be reminded of how much better the first two guys were, the question must be asked. Are you also waiting for FMF to come out? And you know, I'm...
  10. D

    Impressions thread for negative impressions

    Nothing can compare FO3, to the old fallout's. The writing is different and the direction is different. The games just arent comparable. I just hope Interplay can reassemble the team and create a worthy heir to the fallout name in Fallout Online.
  11. D

    Some odd "holes" in Fallout 3

    About the power: You see in the Fallout universe Nikola Tesla modular power plant technology has been developed generously and nuclear fusion powers all of it. Power isnt run directly to everything, Instead the power is BEAMED to its intended destination using technology I dont understand...
  12. D

    Imagination - The cornerstone of Fallout's Universe.

    So yeah, Fallout 1 and 2 were amazingly good games because we could use our imaginations more often. The people we talked to, were gritty, sketchbag social rejects of the highest standards. The locations we visited had the absolute "holy shit, this is the end of the world" ambience that we were...