So,.....Are you guys still waiting for FMF too?


First time out of the vault
Well, since the abysmal, disappointing and completely unwelcome fallout 3 has made its way onto the scene for all of us true fans to play just to be reminded of how much better the first two guys were, the question must be asked.

Are you also waiting for FMF to come out?

And you know, I'm starting to wonder if FMF is just a hoax because you NEVER hear anything about it anymore and they said DEMO and then kind of dropped off the earth.

I'm a little peeved that Fan Made Fallout team hasnt made an update like "Yeah we played FO3, and we've all decided to quit our day jobs to finish FMF as soon as possible to rectify the situation."

And if it was a HOAX its not like that hasnt happened before, but you think someone somewhere would have said something about it by now.

Chime in, I'd like to know if anyone else is waiting impatiently for something more Fallout-ish to play while we wait for Interplay to get their stuff together and give us Fallout Online(it will pwn, oh yes, it will pwn).
FMF demo comes in Februar, MR full around... idk, but I heard something about Christmas (it's not yet disclosed which christmas) and the same goes for BGE. Oh, and Resurrection is coming too. So, you will have four completed tc mods in estimate two years, I guess. That's good, isn't it?
Aaron said:
So, you will have four completed tc mods in estimate two years, I guess.

Considering there were going to be four completed TC mods in two years five years ago as well, two hundred years is perhaps a closer estimate.
I don't think Fallout Yurop will come Per.

I occasionally speak to its team head and it seems the project is pretty much dead.
I understand he wants to release it as a non Fallout project in the future.
Yurop is dead since a long time. ;) FMF will hit the release in approx... some years, maybe, if ever. The closest thing for a release should be Mutants Rising and Resurrection. Then maybe BGE and/ or Shattered Destiny 2 but I think I hate the name, so maybe "Shattered Destiny 2" will never come out but the same project with a different name. Will depend on how I feel then. :>
It would be cool if someone was working on a 3D engine that could be used for various sorts of RPGs, in the spirit of Tim Cain's original concept behind the Fallout Engine (or was it SPECIAL), including a fan made Fallout game.

I know FIFE is sort of like that but I wouldn't mind seeing others try as well.
I forget when exactly Shelter is being released, but I am damn excited for that game. I am looking forward to Mutants Rising.
Per said:
Aaron said:
So, you will have four completed tc mods in estimate two years, I guess.

Considering there were going to be four completed TC mods in two years five years ago as well, two hundred years is perhaps a closer estimate.


Sad as it may be, that's what usually seems to happen.
Modders should use different modus operandi when doing projects. They usually suck at managing big projects, so they should all just focus on small tidbits and then put them together. Like that one guy who did some mod stuff in the past, I forgot his name. That's the way he worked. Solo as well. But he actually got some stuff done. Big teams seem to be the perfect recipe for disaster, IMO.
You mean Lich? He made lots of cool stuff but also mostly a bit un-fallouty.
Sadly yeah, I think Yurop sounded as interesting as Van Buren, complete new factions, different continent, new critters.
Who cares about that stuff... its all about FOnline, the online fallout 2 mod by Russians. thats what im waiting for.
I'll be looking forward to the mods you guys mentioned. I'm looking forward to FOOL myself, not the F2 mod, but the official interplay project. I got my fingers crossed.

Its too bad it takes a long time to put together some of these mods. I guess thats the difference between getting paid for it and not.
Four TCs for the same game... :roll: It's really retarded, IMO. Instead of join forces and make at least two, well designed, well done and in reasonable time - no, everyone wants to have its own! :D

I was (I'm?) involved in two and I see what problems they're facing...
I'm waiting for FOnline AND the TCs! Specially Mutants Rising, its really promising, I know because I was a writter for a short time, but I had a writer block that stopped all my writting.
Lexx said:
You mean Lich? He made lots of cool stuff but also mostly a bit un-fallouty.

Yeah, Lich, that's it. He not only made some cool stuff, he also came up with one of the best ideas I've ever seen anyone come up with on these fora (although I don't think he pursued it): at a certain point he was experimenting with a different kind of perspective in the background of the game. It wasn't 100% correct 'cause he basically mingled isometric stuff (character, car, ...) with tri- or rather dimetric backgrounds, but it worked well enough and it opened a world of possibilities.

I miss him. Someone should continue what he tried there (can't find the thread :( ).
Zero Projekt is making good progress as well :-) Seen some of their recent (semi internal) gameplay videos and they've done a good job. Still a lot of work left (my personal estimation is at least another 2 years) but they might succeed.