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  1. Jabberwok

    why fallout 2 sucks (spoilers) (no I don't like fo3-4)

    Fallout 1 is awesome. If you need filler locations, just play 1 and then jump straight into 2. Basically the same game, but ridiculous amounts of content. Honestly, I think of them as 2 parts of the same game. I don't really know why you would find it boring unless you don't like the combat, in...
  2. Jabberwok

    Fallout is now a fighting game!

    Oh man, I miss that game. I think Harold should fight by telling long, rambling stories.
  3. Jabberwok

    Fallout is now a fighting game!

    Back to Tactics: while I like it, I could understand if there were people at the time who felt that it kind of muddied the water as to what Fallout was supposed to be. I mean, apparently some people even felt Fallout 2 was too goofy? So I have to wonder how they felt about the Brotherhood...
  4. Jabberwok


    That first shot is the 3D Fallout I want. Seems like Ashes 2063 might be the closest I'll ever get.....
  5. Jabberwok

    Encased update: The history behind Russian Fallouts

    Man, I really need to get around to playing these Fallout 2 mods....
  6. Jabberwok

    references to China in Fallout 1 and 2?

    I think also what sparked this is that I was struck by the sheer amount of detail on Fallout's pre-war China. There are so many specifics there, and Fallout 2's opening narration comes to mind: "The details are trivial and pointless, the reasons purely human ones." Part of the point to me is...
  7. Jabberwok

    references to China in Fallout 1 and 2?

    Yeah, that all makes sense. And in fact, because I had specifically forgotten the references to China in the old games, all of the new franchise China lore felt like writers jumping on the bandwagon of the more recent waves of China panic here in the States. Good to know that at least some of...
  8. Jabberwok

    references to China in Fallout 1 and 2?

    I think what surprises me in retrospect is that the Soviets are so heavily sidelined, especially in a franchise that is (or has become) so obsessed with Cold War imagery.
  9. Jabberwok

    Fallout TV show in development

    I think House did specifically cannibalize most of Vault 21 to rebuild the Strip, and they certainly look like new buildings. Wandering around the outskirts lately, it does strike me that much of the damage throughout the Mojave is meant to be the result of the current war, rather than the...
  10. Jabberwok

    references to China in Fallout 1 and 2?

    Hmm, yeah, forgot about that line. I guess I just remembered it as being a general clusterfuck, since there's so little focus on it elsewhere. Oops. I'm curious if there's anything from that game that goes into more detail, but I haven't been through the later parts in years. Aside from a...
  11. Jabberwok

    references to China in Fallout 1 and 2?

    Lately when I look up lore stuff, I'm trying to separate what came from which part of the franchise, because the wikis mash everything together. Does Fallout 1 ever make any mention of China in the 'Great War'? A lot of the footnotes on the wiki page seem to be referencing Fallout 3, and the...
  12. Jabberwok

    Fallout TV show in development

    You mean this guy?
  13. Jabberwok

    Fallout TV show in development

    This was the other thing I worried about. Heading even further into 'ghouls are zombies' territory.
  14. Jabberwok

    Fallout TV show in development

    Thing is legal, therefore no one should ever complain about that thing. Did you find this compelling when you wrote it?
  15. Jabberwok

    hairy deathclaws

    No, there is at least one early piece of concept art from before that:
  16. Jabberwok

    hairy deathclaws

    Yeah, I was finally reading up on it. Also saw that one of the earliest concepts was hairy, but that one looks more like the Tactics deathclaws. I won't start nitpicking what traits belong with what classification of animal, because they always just seemed like a spliced together concept, which...
  17. Jabberwok

    hairy deathclaws

    Am I the only one who grew up thinking that the Fallout 1 and 2 deathclaws had fur? I'm not talking about the Tactics ones. I know there is some very old art of them looking scaly, but the ones in-game always looked like furry lizards to me.
  18. Jabberwok

    Fallout TV show in development

    What specifically was 3 ripping off?
  19. Jabberwok

    Fallout TV show in development

    Sounds cool, but it would require someone who happens to be working on it to care a lot more about the games' past fiction than Bethesda ever has.
  20. Jabberwok

    Fallout TV show in development

    I am somehow going to have to avoid every trailer or clip of this show. It's only in the past month that I've been able to convince myself that I don't hate Fallout now, since I started replaying New Vegas. I want to be able to enjoy the old games without thinking about this... That said, I...