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  1. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Fallout 1 or Fallout New Vegas?

    I’m just popping in to say that Monty Python references are never dated.
  2. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Could the following landmark have a place in the Fallout Universe?

    I like the idea overall but I don’t think explicitly supernatural elements really fit in the Fallout universe. I’d keep the backstory and the legends that surround the building, the lights being on without a clear source of power, the building still standing despite the war, and the people...
  3. Iprovidelittlepianos

    I... don't think that I can continue. Continue? To have done the things I have done in the name...

    I... don't think that I can continue. Continue? To have done the things I have done in the name of Rads. It was madness. I can see that now. Madness. MADness? There is no hope. Leave now, leave while you still have hope…
  4. Iprovidelittlepianos

    M-72 gauss rifle: has anyone found a mod that did it justice ?

    I remember there being a mod that changed its ammo type to 2mm EC. But it was a very basic mod and didn’t change any leveled lists, so BOS members would spawn with microfusion cells and be forced to use their fists. This was years ago, maybe it’s gone now.
  5. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Americanization of Fallout by Bethesda

    Fallout was influenced by the 80s-90s because that’s the time period the devs lived in. It wasn’t a conscious choice. They set out to make a Mad Max-styled post-apocalyptic RPG, then at some point in production, Leonard Boyarsky had the idea to “make it like the 50s”. Specifically, to style the...
  6. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Forgive me for asking a stupid question instead of reading through the changelogs, but do the Gun Runners ever sell any of the Fallout 2 weapons?
  7. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Addictol and Fixer

    They probably thought their name was cooler, not picking up on the double entendre of Fixer.
  8. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Can’t you still see the door open in that water thief quest?
  9. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    That would be a neat critical failure effect for using laser weapons against metal armors (including power armor). The attacker takes damage from their own laser, or alternatively it redirects the laser to a random combatant between the target and attacker. Might even be able to visually...
  10. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Fallout memes, rants, fanwank - AKA - A General Fallout Discussion Thread

    He’s been pretty consistent on not wanting to remaster old games. He’s said this about Fallout 1 and 2 a couple of times, and he’s said it about Arena and Daggerfall too.
  11. Iprovidelittlepianos

    fallout 2 was the borderlands 2 of the 1990s change my mind.

    Take All button, push companions out of the way, trade more than 999 of something at a time, more unarmed attacks, change companion armor and combat tactics, friend or foe perk is now the default setting (I think), charisma isn’t quite as useless due to the companion limit. That’s just off the...
  12. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Intelligent Deathclaws

    As I watch that gif I can still hear the whine the dog makes when you snap its neck. I think that’s part of what makes people feel worse for animals than for humans. Animals have no shame or dignity. They cry like babies when they die. It triggers an empathic response in humans.
  13. Iprovidelittlepianos

    If a fallout 1/2 remake included radio stations what songs would be on it?

    I don’t know. I don’t even remember there being a bar in the Boneyard. The only guy I can remember singing is the guy in Vault City who’s singing “Maybe”.
  14. Iprovidelittlepianos

    What's The Difference Between Hard Rock & Heavy Metal?

    As a general rule, hard rock is bluesier, with less palm muting and more syncopation. Generally has slightly less distorted guitars, and less bass-y as well. Of course, this falls apart when applied to specific sub genres. I’d argue that stoner metal is more blues-based than most rock, and funk...
  15. Iprovidelittlepianos

    How would you write a west coast fallout after the events of the TV show?

    I’d say Vault-Tec and the Enclave nuked each other, the Brotherhood got nuked too so it’s back to just a single Lost Hills chapter, the NCR reformed and decided to move their capital back to the original Shady Sands. Not sure what else needs to be nuked to get us back to normal. I’d also say the...
  16. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Intelligent Deathclaws

    I just don’t understand why someone should feel bad for killing a dangerous creature they’re being attacked by just because the dangerous creature in question is sapient (or rather, has the potential to be genetically modified to be sapient). Do we feel bad for killing raiders?
  17. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Combat Rifle lore. and the use of .45 round

    This is the same thing as the hunting rifle in Fallout 3 firing a .32 pistol round. Bethesda either doesn’t know or doesn’t care. Probably both.