If a fallout 1/2 remake included radio stations what songs would be on it?


First time out of the vault

Maybe is the first one that comes to mind.

Another personal pick of mine would be

The original happy song juxaposed with nuclear explosions that directly inspired fallouts humor. the reference is a perfect call back.

For some reason this comes to mind

To me it fits in with some of those more "funny" or mundane aspects of boot curising the wasteland. maybe a better fit in fallout 2, but I wanted surfer/upbeat rock music to match it being set in southern California also the name "San-ho-zay" of course being "San Jose" a city in california. but maybe it would better fit with the themes of fallout 2.
It's an entertaining thought but i don't think the idea of a radio station with pre war songs fits fallout at all. Bethesda's universe is quite different in that it's all about america in the 50s. This is a world where cars are called ancient vehicles. I don't think the people have any idea how music was like before the war. At least in Fallout 1, there's also the issue of where would that radio would broadcast from and why. Best idea that come to my mind is hub broadcasting to the caravans. I have no idea what kind of music though. Maybe someone in the wasteland found some records or something but idk. Classical music maybe?

If we were to imagine a shady sands where people were listening to songs from before the apocalypse, that would be an entirely different place culturally is my point. Instead of talking about Dharma or whatever they'd have "modern" knowledge and sensibilities.

edit: actually i'm an idiot, we have music numbers in places like Junktown right? Presumably post war music but based on pre war music, so i guess it survived.
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Oh Junktown! I was thinking of Junktown. And actually i found a cool dev quote that's relevant to the thread

One of the challenges of developing the divergent future culture of Fallout is that while what we see in post-nuclear North America is the remains of a culture obsessed with '50s Americana, that culture was doing so in 2077, still some way into our future (for now..). Besides just laser guns and power annor, there are elements of Fallout that culturally reflect pieces of US culture that postdate the '50s but their popularity simply wasn't peaked like '50s Amencana did as of 2077. For instance, in Junktown, the character Ismarc sings a badly mangled rendition of Head Like A Hole, with came out in 1989. Presumably this means that Pretty Hate Machine cate out at some point in the Fallout universe, in some form, but by 2077 nobody cared about the Industrial Revolution or post-punk any more, they were all big into swing and jazz, much like how there was one month during the Pandemic in our real world where the internet was obsessed with sea shanties So, does anime exist in the Fallout universe? Yes. What form does it take? What's popular? How big is anime in 2077? We don't really have enough information to know, other than knowing that it wasn't reflected in mainstream US pop culture when the bombs fell and arrested the cultural symbols of the US. in the form of crumbling billboards and scorched ad pages.

Jesse Heinig, Modiphius Discord

Also, i have no context at all about "Fallout: The Roleplaying Game". It's made by an Interplay dev? I had no idea. How is it?