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  1. laclongquan

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    As a companion-hoard, my most crowded party cant use motorcycle so I have to leave that at Watershed.
  2. laclongquan

    I can't do it... I just can't play Dead Money again.

    If you feel you learn by heart the totality of Sierra Madre, might as well install either of my suggestion, plus a few more spawn mod to raise the combat difficulty there.
  3. laclongquan

    The worst location in fallout 2?

    Omelette will 100% restore you if you eat it with your not full HP. So breaking in the chicken coop and kill the chicken is not recommended.
  4. laclongquan

    I can't do it... I just can't play Dead Money again.

    There was A World Of Pain For Dead Money mod which is adding more dungeons and rooms to the villa. Another tweak is Dead Money Tweak mod by Sweet6Shooter. It utilize a lot of AWOP4DM but has its own twists and turns too. Like the area between Villa and the Suites. Either of these will change...
  5. laclongquan

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Isnt the Deathclaw map in Boneyard has green goo puddle? And the Gunrunner map too. Can it be the cause of radiation sickness?
  6. laclongquan

    The worst location in fallout 2?

    Modoc is the only location you can get a shit bath and a marriage.
  7. laclongquan

    The worst location in fallout 2?

    This thread prove that gamers just plain hate tutorial area, the way they jumped on Temple of Trials.
  8. laclongquan

    Is Skilled the antichrist?

    Skilled is ideal for stupid character since it compliment the idea immensely: stupid character OF COURSE has longer time to gain perks. Also it provide extra SP per levelup which was sorely lacking for low INT stupid character and one major reason why people dont like to pick this build, dialog...
  9. laclongquan

    Things you like from Fallout 3

    Agree, agree. They like to keep the idea of Enclave as a single faction, with a President in East Coast can command some vaults in Midwest. But the actual post-apocalyptic logic when you come to it in details, is a structure even worse than current day USA: multiple colonels command his own...
  10. laclongquan

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    The only abandoned site should be The Glow. You can never carry all that loot away, and one week in, one week out, is too much. Otherwise there should be no abandoned storage, or how the word "excessive loot" come about :P
  11. laclongquan

    Things you like from Fallout 3

    I will ignore anything not mentioned in games, or books, or movies. Just dont have energy to deal with unpublished ideas~ So BOMB or shuttle can just shush ~ Your idea about Dr Curling dont want to risk contaminated is a contrary idea. On the one hand they have operations, with operatives...
  12. laclongquan

    Things you like from Fallout 3

    I dont get where you got your impression of "a bunch of rich people, a few (probably) important military figures, some scientists and a few politicians". I honestly dont know. This is Enclave in F2, not Vault Zero in Fallout Tactics. Enclave is the only faction capable to sending out vertibird...
  13. laclongquan

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Nevertheless, excessive loot in Fallout 1 mean you just store them in certain site's storage, since moving them is a major operation~
  14. laclongquan

    Things you like from Fallout 3

    What you guys have a problem with Enclave is that YOU think Enclave is just an oil rig out in the ocean plus one advance base in Narroyo. So the powerful might of the F3 Enclave hit you where it's hardest: your preconception. But if you ever stop and think for a moment: 1. HOW, exactly, an Oil...
  15. laclongquan

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Fallout 1 does have realistic carryweight in my book. And the lack of vehicle mean transport loot from central storage to merchants is limited. But excessive loot is there nonetheless~
  16. laclongquan

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Excessive Loot has always been a staple of Fallout 1 and 2. it's a persistent disease in RPG, is all~
  17. laclongquan

    Fallout TV series, tell me why it will be awful/great

    post apocalyptical society rebuilt from the ash of a WW3, from the 50s imagination of how future look like, imagined by 90s thinking how the 50s should think.... Yeah, I can see the visual cognitive crying from here. No, they would have to sacrifice something to make it palatable to TV...
  18. laclongquan

    Benny should have been the final Boss

    Th bloody chairmen casino just sit there in neon light. Who need quest marker to find it
  19. laclongquan

    Benny should have been the final Boss

    And when i named my courier Maria, the fact that Benny using his Maria to shoot my Maria in the face .... that is super hilarious and practically demand maria must, must , pretend to be in lust with him and get to his room. And kill him without doing anything else, because maria is not a black...
  20. laclongquan

    Benny should have been the final Boss

    Without courier help him mr House would have his hands full with vegas family revolt. He wouldnt be able to interfere with that Battle.