Search results

  1. P

    Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2?

    Yeah, i'm gonna get one of these games tomorrow. Unsure which to get, both look good. :( Give me your opinions on both games so I can decide gentlemen. :)
  2. P

    Apple release iPad tablet

    Who will, it's like 500 goddamn dollars. :roll: This is mass marketing at its finest.
  3. P

    Apple release iPad tablet

    Very agreed. :clap:
  4. P

    Talking Heads

    oh jesus my eyes are bleeding.
  5. P

    Mass Effect 2

    I didn't really like mass effect 1 so much. I might not pick this one up if the combat isnt improved. Usually I don't care for things like combat but mass effect put me off completely for some reason. Some say I had to play more though and get further into the game to enjoy it. Meh...
  6. P

    Apple release iPad tablet

    Looks extremely unnecesary, over expensive and generally retarded. Whoever buys this might have too much money to spend. I'll stick with my Ipod touch. ;)
  7. P

    Talking Heads

    Whip looks like a neo nazi haha. Good work sirs.
  8. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Zappa! 10/10
  9. P

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    You've finished the whole thing or just a certain set? :shock:
  10. P

    Fallout Extreme part I: the story

    When I heard the title of the game I literally just said to myself "oh jesus no." Radiation suit larry sounds boss. :lol:
  11. P

    funniest songs Beat that.
  12. P

    First Time You Played Fallout...

    2001, was browsing a local gamestore and found Fallout 1 sitting on a shelf. I glanced over the back of it and thought it might seem interesting, picked up a few other games and made my way out of the shop. I never touched it again until perhaps 2003 -2004. Instantly hooked after completing...
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    I'll check out all of your recomendations, thanks for the advice. Keep em coming.
  14. P


    So I wanna invest in a pair of good headphones. I'm sick of the small ones breaking on me. :( I'd like ones with good sound quality worth £20 to £40. Cheers. :D
  15. P

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Gears of War 2, honestly I think this game is pretty awesome. I enjoyed the first gears (probably moreso.)
  16. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I recognize the picture, from a movie I haven't seen. Fair 5/10 since I haven't seen the movie and don't realise the significance of the avatar, yo.
  17. P

    Vote for your top 5 changes from fallout 3 to new vegas

    1. Not total bullshit plot. 2. No more fucking enclave. 3. Return of the Highwayman! 4. Set possibly before fallout 2? 5. Better soundtrack. I could go on forever. Not exactly realistic but it's just what i'd want. :P
  18. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane over the Sea.
  19. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    It's Max Payne, I guess. Good thing Max Payne is awesome. 8/10