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  1. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Search Downloads section on this site, the mod and the translation are uploaded separately, you will find the translation in my signature.
  2. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Nevada 1.02 HD Russian Version [Deleted]

    I have everything, as well as our editor, I kept everything in order by cities, so it would be easier to translate. You want a link?
  3. Dionis

    Fallout of Nevada English Translation!!!

    Overwrite everything
  4. Dionis

    Fallout of Nevada English Translation!!!

    The like is my signature for anyone that wants a download link. There is only a manual patch and it's simple to install just copy paste every file into FN directory. Also the cutscenes aren't in English because they are very large in size, not ideal for upload every time there is a small change...
  5. Dionis

    most overrated movies?

    Any Superhero movie ever made.
  6. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    I will check it tomorrow. The issue is text based... Most likely.
  7. Dionis

    What are new games your excited to play this year or the next?

    It's Cyberpunk 2077 for me personally, I even want to invest in a powerful PC for this game, but I have to see at least some gameplay first.
  8. Dionis

    Fallout Nevada 1.02 HD English Patch OUTDATED - Fallout Nevada 1.02 HD English Patch OUTDATED

    Special thanks to Snikers that currently runs the editing of the project and is responsible for every area in the game where English shines. Huge thanks to people that worked on the project since the very beginning, TheChosen1 and 0wing :salute:, a lot of people showed up and helped, some with...
  9. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Guys do whatever you want if you want to help, as long as you don't break anything.
  10. Dionis

    Which Fallout Was Better? (2018)

    1. Fallout 2. Fallout 2 3. Fallout NV 4. Empty 5. Empty ...... 999. Bethesda's Fallout
  11. Dionis

    Fallout 3 remake mod Capital Wasteland is cancelled - surprises nobody!

    RIP another passionate fan project, I never liked F3 much but it's too bad to see people loosing hours of their work and watch it getting flushed into the toilet. Legal issues man, I can respect the holders rights, but I also hate them.
  12. Dionis

    What do you like out of the Fallout 4 design changes

    Just from the visual and artistic point of view F4 design or should I say the classic Fallout design is much better, I love Vegas but that game didn't benefit at all visually from running on that engine. Also I remember that this ugly jumpsuit was the first thing greeting my disappointment in...
  13. Dionis

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    A classic stoner avatar. 10/10
  14. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Found the error, you were right the dialog at workbench is broken.
  15. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Great, but it seems I will have to go and read all your reports to fix those errors. Also the workbench error should be fixed a long time ago, so I think that you may have a very old translation version. You see I was fixing that error myself, but I will double check anyway.
  16. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    Testing some new files Snikers sent me, with luck will have an update posted tomorrow
  17. Dionis

    Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

    Looking at Nevada I can only imagine how long it will take to translate. But still whoever is planning to take the translation project in to his hands I'm there to back him up. But only after we finish with this one, never thought it will take so much time to make things shine after we already...
  18. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Nevada 1.02 HD Russian Version [Deleted]

    This is just the correct and compatible mod version by itself, no translation added. The translation is currently being edited and tested. This is for the people that have the older translation files or executables, for those that never downloaded them I ask to wait a little longer.
  19. Dionis

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Nevada 1.02 HD Russian Version [Deleted]

    Dionis submitted a new resource: Fallout Nevada 1.02 HD - Fallout 2 Mod Read more about this resource...
  20. Dionis

    Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

    Damn thats nice to see another quality mod from this developer. But its going to be a pain translating again if they wont do it themselves.