What do you like out of the Fallout 4 design changes

Pretty much as stated, what changes in design do you think was an improvement from Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas?
For Example: I felt the Fallout 4 Vault suits were an improvement over the 3/NV vault suits and feel more in line with the originals.

Just from the visual and artistic point of view F4 design or should I say the classic Fallout design is much better, I love Vegas but that game didn't benefit at all visually from running on that engine. Also I remember that this ugly jumpsuit was the first thing greeting my disappointment in F3.
I always felt like that jumpsuit in classic games looked something that a superhero or a villain would wear, and that added to the style of the game. F4 design is an improvement over F3 and Vegas but still far away from anything in F1 and 2.
Pretty much everything design-wise was an improvement in Fallout 4 over Fallout 3.
Dunno, I kinda liked the architecture and weapon/armor design in Fallout 3 better.
Fallout 4 overdid the clunkiness in many parts.
But in general I really liked the environment of Fallout 4. The lack of green puke over the screen and the more vibrant colour palette worked out well. Some of the assets were great, too, like the old tanks and stuff.
As I said, especially the armor in Fallout 4 looks overly clunky, but they really did well on the power armor. Bethesda did a good job on their design and the change in gameplay feel was great, even though the system was kinda underused in the end.
they really did well on the power armor

Agreed. You felt heavy and towered over normal humans, which I thought was more in line with the original concept. It was cool to see T-51b and Enclave power armor looking exactly like they did on the box art for Fallout and Fallout 2. Fallout 3 and New Vegas tried, but their version of power armor was more like an outfit that contoured to your body rather than a bulky mechanical suit. Where the hell was the space for all the hydraulics and shit?

Now in the interest of keeping this thread positive, I will avoid commenting on the decision to give players access to it immediately upon starting the game...

I also really liked a lot of the enemy designs. Radscorpions looked appropriately brown and rough although I still have no idea why scorpions populate fucking Boston.
I also really liked a lot of the enemy designs. Radscorpions looked appropriately brown and rough although I still have no idea why scorpions populate fucking Boston.
Same could be said for Deathclaws, to be fair. Lizards would never migrate to the Rust Belt, especially when there are deserts in the way.

Not the guns. The guns are weird. Assault rifle, anyone? The armor is massive as well.
The guns look weird, true, but I think they are meant to be oversized, the empathize the idea that they were made for power armor users. I could be wrong though.

For one of the Fallout 4's design choices I liked, I should mention "the third rail". It reminded me a lot of the bar in Dark City where Jennifer Connelly sings.
Dunno, I kinda liked the architecture and weapon/armor design in Fallout 3 better.
Fallout 4 overdid the clunkiness in many parts.
But in general I really liked the environment of Fallout 4. The lack of green puke over the screen and the more vibrant colour palette worked out well. Some of the assets were great, too, like the old tanks and stuff.
As I said, especially the armor in Fallout 4 looks overly clunky, but they really did well on the power armor. Bethesda did a good job on their design and the change in gameplay feel was great, even though the system was kinda underused in the end.

To each his own but I felt like there was overall more inspiration from the originals in Fallout 4 designs (in style only, since the environment is clearly very different), especially when it comes to the architecture (particularly vaults, government buildings, etc), cars, robots, power armors, characters designs, etc.

Save for F4's pipe guns, I thought F3 had more clunkiness and I hated the feel of F3 weapons, and quite enjoyed a bunch in F4. NV still probably has the best lineup overall though.

One thing I'll give F3 is things felt more run down . F4 felt like the war ended 20 years ago.
Fallout 3 < Anything else honestly.

I had tons of laughs playing 3, I'll give it that.

But personally, Fallout 4 just looks better. That's all it has going for it.
Yes, it came out recently so the Creation engine graced it with beautiful high end graphics.

It's like dating a girl/guy with a rocking bod, but a crap personality. :shrug:
Not helped by the fact that the Bethesda writers just had to let their pre-war hardons take the wheel for the first 15 minutes of the game.
Thing is, there was incredible potential there, if coupled with the memory den. Imagine, the flashback suddenly stops before the bombs fell, because you ran out of credits and time's up, some ghoul wants your place. Next time you'll sit, forged by more experiences, you'd have the next pre-war events. Again, and again. You thought the game would begin in the pre-war ? Not really. It's going to take time and caps to see the pre-war events unfold. Give you time to realize what you've lost, little by little.

Or maybe, just maybe : repeat the same flashback, but everytime, your memory becomes more clear, and you start to remember the civil chaos, the executions of civilians at the TV, the plague that took your neighboor, the bomb sirens that nobody even listened to anymore... Would have been way more interesting this way.
It's like dating a girl/guy with a rocking bod, but a crap personality.

One of the better Fallout 4 analogies I've heard. :clap:

Thing is, there was incredible potential there, if coupled with the memory den. Imagine, the flashback suddenly stops before the bombs fell, because you ran out of credits and time's up, some ghoul wants your place. Next time you'll sit, forged by more experiences, you'd have the next pre-war events. Again, and again. You thought the game would begin in the pre-war ? Not really. It's going to take time and caps to see the pre-war events unfold. Give you time to realize what you've lost, little by little.

Or maybe, just maybe : repeat the same flashback, but everytime, your memory becomes more clear, and you start to remember the civil chaos, the executions of civilians at the TV, the plague that took your neighboor, the bomb sirens that nobody even listened to anymore... Would have been way more interesting this way.

Cool idea mithrap, but in my eyes some of the most glaring issues in Fallout 4 stem from the writers not making your character's origin ambiguous enough to imagine your own backstory. Just have the memories belong to a different person though and you're golden.
I also really liked a lot of the enemy designs.
They ruined the mirelurk tho. It went from a cool little critter that wouldn't be all that out place in the originals to this:


Now I don't know whether or not you've seen 1982s the dark crystal but in it there's a creature called a garthim
It is without taking or adding, the same thing

Think what you like but they're far too similar to be a simple coincidence imo
To add to what Graves said, the Fallout 4 hermit crabs also seem like a ripoff of the Wasteland 2 hermit crabs:


Character models seem to have improved although not as much as I'd like. Bethesda should hire someone else to do the character art, the characters in their games have always been fugly.
they're far too similar to be a simple coincidence imo

the Fallout 4 hermit crabs also seem like a ripoff of the Wasteland 2 hermit crabs:

Should this surprise anyone coming from the company that so badly struggles with originality to the point where it shamelessly reuses names and plot devices from previous games in the series? Going to a foggy coastal state/national park to look for someone's daughter? Hmm. A person wearing a robot costume called the Mechanist? A FUCKING DOG COMPANION NAMED DOGMEAT? I would be far more shocked if you guys told me there was something Bethesda didn't rip off in Fallout 4. All I'm saying is at least with the crabs they chose to rehash something aesthetically pleasing. The Dark Crystal had awesome designs.

Character models seem to have improved although not as much as I'd like. Bethesda should hire someone else to do the character art, the characters in their games have always been fugly.

Bethesda should hire someone else to do their everything. Priority being with RPG game mechanic experts and continuity focused writers.
I like the design of the 'Quit Game' button, and the design of the 'Uninstall Game' option...
Seriously though, there were some areas that looked kind of cool, like the race track, or the crashed plane. But those cool-looking places were just full of more raiders who attacked me on sight, just like everywhere else on the map. Just like Fallout 3. Just like Skyrim. And Oblivion. It's boring.