Search results

  1. Alphons

    Radio Stations in Fallout

    There's a raider radio station like that in New California. Speaking of, some highlights of fan made radio stations for NV. NCR 440 (New California) Commercial NCR radio playing pre-war tapes and post-war songs. They broadcast news on the MQ (with several updates depending on your choices) and...
  2. Alphons

    Help with Viva New Vegas and other mods

    Yes, it is safe. Anything else that could be affecting your setup? Did you update your drivers recently or put Documents folder in Windows directories? Do you use OneDrive?
  3. Alphons

    What is an immersive sim, to you?

    Is it your pic? Dex and Fortune's Run never appeared on my radar, any good? For me an immersive sim is a design philisophy, not a single genre. They often mix a few genres, but you can clearly define a core genre for each game (for example Thief is at it's core a stealth game, even if it...
  4. Alphons

    Help with Viva New Vegas and other mods

    If it's not launching at all instead of crashing then I suspect the problem with load order. Check the plugins load order- sometimes it gets messed up and for example tries to launch all of your plugins alphabetically (so MO tries to launch some of the mods first and NV after them). If it's...
  5. Alphons

    EFAP on Fallout

    My thesis was about new players trying it for the first time or people that have not touched it since release returning to it after years. Might be my personal bias, but I assumed that most TTW players replayed 3 a few times over the years before finding out about the mod like I did. Yeah, I...
  6. Alphons

    EFAP on Fallout

    Fallout 3 is barely played these days, it's the least popular 3D Fallout (on Steam it's 24 hours peak is barely 1600 players vs 18 000 for NV, 22 000 for 76 and over 50 000 for 4; on consoles it's probably even more skewed in 4's direction), so I think that's why it's doing better than 4...
  7. Alphons

    Where I play and review the Yakuza series

    Amazon announced a loose adaptation of the first Yakuza. 6 episodes releasing in fall (3 episodes in late October, 3 a week later)
  8. Alphons

    Fallout 1 and the mayor of the boneyard[minor spoiler]

    It's an option in Et Tu. If you kill the Regulator fast enough then Zimmerman will act as a friendly character during the battle. If he survives he has a floating line thanking you.
  9. Alphons


    Supermutants always wipe out Necropolis (including Set and his goons) after 110 days. If you kill Harry and other mutants guarding the pump, then the invasion happens 30 days after that. Master also laughs at the suggestion that ghouls are able to survive better than SMs.
  10. Alphons

    So what do people think of the characters?

    The Necropolis and vault don't need to be saved from anything. They're perfectly fine unless someone decides to steal something vital to their survival. It's one thing not to share the water you found with strangers and another to murder a bunch of people to steal their water.
  11. Alphons

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    Todd actually designed some of the quests in Morrowind and they certainly stand apart from other ones. For example he made the first quest for Imperial Legion. It's a murder mystery where you find a murder weapon with murderer's name on it and victim's ghost standing nearby confirms that it was...
  12. Alphons

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    I disagree. The way I see it Avellone introduced tunnelers with the intention that they MIGHT, not WILL destroy Mojave. Similar with the famine in NCR, civil war in Legion after Caesar's death, etc. They're all just speculations about events that might happen years after the ending of the game...
  13. Alphons

    Avoiding Burnout; Or How I stopped OCDing And Started To Love Passing Over Content

    I never do everything in RPGs, as I often return to replay them. I've collected my last NV achievement this year despite having the game since 2010 and doing 5 playthroughs before. I also probably never visited some of the locations in game. But from time to time I let out my OCD goblin for a...
  14. Alphons

    Environmental Storytelling in FNV

    I think this is Living Desert, which is included in the VNV's optional mods. There's another similar camp near the El Dorado Gas and a smaller one east from Aerotech.
  15. Alphons

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    But the same thing applies to any monsters they could potentially create? How do you train them to kill only surface dwellers and ignore your people? Plus once they wipe out everyone, then the surface is now filled with bloodthirsty creatures. Do you create another mutant to get rid of them...
  16. Alphons

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    I think Android meant that creating monsters to wipe out Wastelanders is not an efficient idea, not wiping out the Wastelanders. If it really was their goal (ignoring that in the meeting they say time will eliminate everyone on the surface), instead of breeding the gulpers they could have made...
  17. Alphons

    Which patch/mod should I pick for a faithfufl experience of the first Fallout?

    Fixt was sadly not updated for a long time, so I'd recommend Et Tu. It's very customisable, so you can just choose not to install the things you've listed.
  18. Alphons

    i'm trying to play fallout 4 and its miserable

    I found it weird that Starfield was buried because of it, while Fallout 4 is still brought up as a great game with super interesting and living game world. Was it because of new setting? Space ship loading screens ruining the flow of "exploration"?
  19. Alphons

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    Biggest change is definitely books- "vanilla" Sonora has no skill books (though you can get access to libraries/computers that give you a few points in several skills when used), Foxx' version incorporates a mod that adds a book vendor in Phoenix (but she has very high prices). It also has QoL...