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  1. Alphons

    Has Anyone Ever Noticed This Before?

    There were no female ghouls until Tactics (hostages in Quincy, recruit Babs, nuke cultists and 1 prisoner in Scott City).
  2. Alphons

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    The Master believes that Supermutants are a next step in mankind's evolution. The atrocities he commits are seen by him as necessary to achieve that goal. If the Supermutants are sterile and he has to forever breed humans to sustain the SM population, then it's not really an evolution, but...
  3. Alphons

    Help Me Justify the Enclave in Washington D.C.

    You could have the player just need to secure the Vault and then have the Enclave or any other faction interested in the tech send over a team of engineers to disassemble it and move to another location. VR pods could be used originally as virtual drawing desks, allowing the users to more...
  4. Alphons

    Help Me Justify the Enclave in Washington D.C.

    For the power source I'd probably go with Stanislaus Braun and Vault 112. In 3 he's supposed to be a genius inventor working for Vault Tec, but when James asks him how to power the Purifier, he just tells him to use a GECK. Maybe Vault 112 could have the full-scale prototype of cold fusion...
  5. Alphons

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    Slander! Bitter Springs was a successful agrocultural reform that limited how big ranches and farms could be. It was passed as a way to limit the influence of brahmin barons and to enable smaller land owners to grow. Google "Bitter Springs Mass Acre" for more information.
  6. Alphons

    John Deiley interview at The Gamer

    Talking deathclaws are intelligent in the boring "I'm a human mind in the mostrous body" way. The franchise already has Supermutants covering that base. It'd be cool to have them act as non-agrresive tribals with basic tools and weapons, attempting to communicate non-verbally as they're unable...
  7. Alphons

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    I'd say it's more similar to slaver dillema in Den. It gets presented to the low level player as a very lucrative and easy option, but the downside is losing some of the quests and getting marked forever as an evil person (which also opens up other routes for your character). On the other hand...
  8. Alphons

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    The main lady turns into hostile feral ghoul, while the door guard gets the Moira treatment and stays praying at the ruins. The BoS guy says that he didn't expect the town to blow up like that, but at least it ended the problem and still gives you full reward.
  9. Alphons

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    Yes, but the quest is completely unavailable if you blow up Megaton. Plus you get an alternative ending if you somehow didn't do the Power of Atom and then rig the bomb after getting the quest.
  10. Alphons

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    Why does everyone always mention fixing pipes for Walter, but never the Holy Water quest from Broken Steel?
  11. Alphons

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    A bunch of dead mirelurks starts spawning around the Jefferson Memorial. I always assumed that Beth designers put them there to show that water is now clean, but they could also be killed by BoS guarding the purifier or they were supposed to only show up if you infect the purifier.
  12. Alphons

    A world(Fallout 1/2) with no BoS

    Shi and Hubologists also ask CO to infiltrate Navarro. The biggest difference would definitely be the lack of SPECIAL surgeries and dumb characters having to figure out how to make the tanker operational without Matt doing it for them.
  13. Alphons

    Microsoft shuts down several Bethesda studios, merges others

    Game was released in 2022, but Techland ended cooperation with Avellone in 2020. Again, he has not worked on any project since the allegations came out in 2020. I have no knowledge whether it's because the entire game industry doesn't want to work with him or he's just not interested in the...
  14. Alphons

    Microsoft shuts down several Bethesda studios, merges others

    A couple of my friends got into Fallout in anticipation for the show and talked me into trying 76 with them during the last free period. Everybody on the internet talked how Bethesda fixed all issues with Wastelanders update and smaller patches so I was expecting at least Fallout 4 with...
  15. Alphons

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    You're joking, but some mad lads from Nexus are making full ending slideshow for TTW and overhauling dialogues with AI voices.
  16. Alphons

    Microsoft shuts down several Bethesda studios, merges others

    Vampire (2016-2018), Pathfinder Kingmaker (2017-2018) and Fallen Order (2018-2019) were all before the allegations. When the allegations came out in 2020, he was working on Dying Light 2 and almost nothing of his writing was kept after he was removed (which was pretty noticable in the quality...
  17. Alphons

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    You survive physically, but Ron Perlman calls you a little bitch boy who's afraid of a pointless suicide (same thing when you send Fawkes, robot or ghoul guy with Broken Steel).
  18. Alphons

    World of Pain Mod for New Vegas

    I've played through it last year but almost everything about it is just a blur. If I remember correctly there are 3 named Tech Raider bosses and they all have a key when you kill them.
  19. Alphons

    How would you do a Fallout Show?

    I think that in case of Fallout the major narratives should be left to the interactive medium. So I'd go with anthology with episodes set across the entire timeline and mixing different genres. I'm 50/50 on whether it'd be just events mentioned in the games or totally new stories, so I'd...
  20. Alphons

    Fallout 3 - a lot deeper world building?

    Two separate points- it might become, but it was very dangerous until LW's arrival exactly 200 years after the war. How'd they survive for so long outside of Rivet City, Tenpenny, Megaton and maybe Paradise Falls if they're so oblivious? They should be hardened by the Wastes and heavily armed...