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  1. Alphons

    Fallout 3 - a lot deeper world building?

    An interesting read and I agree with some of your points. I personally don't feel it- the Capital Wasteland is filled with groups and lone hermits that wouldn't even survive in "civilized" parts of California. Grandma Sparkle running her bistro in the middle of nowhere, Sierra Petrovita and...
  2. Alphons

    What do you think is the canon sequence of DLC events for the Courier's journey?

    I usually do the Honest Hearts somewhere between meeting with Caesar and failing Don't Tread on the Bear/ Wrath of Caesar/ House Has Gone Bust. Courier still has all his options open and isn't really tied with any faction, so he can afford to join up a caravan for a few months. Dead Money comes...
  3. Alphons

    How does one handle coming back to the RPG (Fallout 2 for an ex.) after a long time.

    I always read through the quest journal- both the started and completed quests to help refresh my memory. Classic Fallouts are a bit worse in that regard, only having the goals listed and getting crossed out as they're finished.
  4. Alphons

    Play all Fallout games chronologically! - Join! Continues into 2024

    I have finished my NV playthrough. Starting out I did not have a clear idea on what character I wanted to make, but playing through New California with the Bishops I've settled on a greedy, but loyal gun for hire. I focused primarily on Guns, Sneak, Barter, Survival. Perk wise I've picked up...
  5. Alphons

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Also I guess Sinclair being the evil mastermind behind the horrors of Big MT, that was also on board with destroying mankind for profit makes Yesterday and Dean Domino heroes of Dead Money? I mean if it wasn't for Yesterday siphoning money out of the project and Dean's heist, then Sinclair...
  6. Alphons

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    What's so weird to me, is that the lady who represents them during the meeting is Julia Masters, who is mentioned only twice in NV- one of these is her basically orchestrating the entire merger with RobCo by manipulating VP and board. So they got right the name of a really obscure...
  7. Alphons

    New Vegas Quest mods- Discussion and reviews

    During my latest NV playthrough that I've started in 2022 I have decided to check out as many quest mods as it was reasonably possible (thanks to stable installation via Viva New Vegas the answer was around 200)- from the small single quests to major projects that add entire new worldspaces with...
  8. Alphons

    Thoughts on the brotherhood?

    Vault 76 Dwellers created a "BatBreak" when they dropped the nukes on giant bats in West Virginia. Due to that, separate realities intercept at various points of time and create holes in reality called "retcons".
  9. Alphons

    Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

    There were several different ways to do it properly- NV itself sets up at least a few. But them getting nuked by Vault-Tec and dissapearing almost completely from the heart of the nation is very lazy. NCR drains the last water reservoirs like Hanlon says and the famine OSI predicted hits them...
  10. Alphons

    The Male Sole Survivor from Fallout 4 is Canonically a War Criminal

    I like to believe he backpedaled after this was posted in the replies.
  11. Alphons

    Canon Is What YOU Make Of It, Not What You're Told.

    Nah, you're all wrong. All games break the canon of Fallout Shelter, but Fallout Shelter never breaks canon of other games. Therefore only Fallout Shelter is canon.
  12. Alphons

    Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

    GI Blues missionaries ask you what was the original name of the current NCR capital during their NCR citizenship quiz. The correct answer is Shady Sands.
  13. Alphons

    Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

    Now that you mention it- the names of the TV show protagonists are anagrams for "Bear and Bull". How could I not notice it?
  14. Alphons

    Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

    Tim Cain regarding the premiere and the first episodes (he didn't watch everything). Show impressions start at around 8 minutes.
  15. Alphons

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Wow, yesterday I was laughing about the drawing of nuke being next to the arrow and not a date being used as defense, but it looks everyone's using that now. It doesn't even have to be a concious retcon (maybe some prop guy fucked up or writers didn't care enough), why jump through all these...
  16. Alphons

    Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

    They're actually making a short movie.
  17. Alphons

    Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

    Don't fit in the CGI budget. Best we can do is Enclave.
  18. Alphons

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Vault Tec has a stockpile of nukes that they also use to nuke Shady Sands post-war.