Search results

  1. Alphons

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    Found only 1 in base Sonora I think Sonora has the biggest amount of locations you can destroy out of all Fallouts (including other TCs and Gamebryo games). You can get Reputation feats for joining main faction or becoming monk, killing a lot of humans/animals/mutants (separate for each...
  2. Alphons

    Bloodlines 2 just got a new trailer!

    He was not fired from Bloodlines 2, his contract ended normally in 2018. But then management decided to scrap everything he made (even before scrapping the entire game). If you're interested he wrote a pretty interesting retrospective on Medium...
  3. Alphons

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    You can only enter it once and leave it once, there's no option to come back. You can leave without completing anything, you get a warning and asked for confirmation if you really want to do it. There's also 100 weight limit, similarly to Honest Hearts. I feel like you'll definitely break it...
  4. Alphons

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    I think more accurate would be the Enclave Oil Rig- all travel is through green grids like in normal locations and can't be entered normally from global map. I could not find any videos online, so I'll report back when I check it out. There's an announcement on VKontakte page of Nevada Band...
  5. Alphons

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    Yes, the Dayglow update is out. It's not a normal location you can enter from the global map. Instead once your character reaches LVL 7 you can meet a new NPC who will take you there. Supposedly like with Gamebryo Fallout DLCs you have to finish the main questline there to return to Sonora...
  6. Alphons

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    Wagner PMC and it's leader Prigozhin launched an armed insurrection aimed at Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu. Putin adressed the nation. Martial law has been introduced across the Russia. Edit: Wagner took control of Rostov-on-Don, including the HQ of Southern Military District and...
  7. Alphons

    Some people should not own pets

    I've adopted a new dog this week, had to euthanize my previous one after her body just gave up (she caught some shit from ticks and a parasite and together they were too much for her). According to the guy at the shelter someone threw this one out the window of a speeding car and she hit a...
  8. Alphons

    Happy Easter!

    Happy Easter!
  9. Alphons

    Xkcon's ultimate rip off Mod walkthrough thread

    I will update the post further. Bring some women with good Unarmed and/ or Melee. Your squad is forced to strip and equip prisoner jumpsuits that make them overencumbered. Men are locked in separate cell near one of the missing girls, while women are taken to sez dungeon where they are told...
  10. Alphons

    Play all Fallout games chronologically! - Join! Continues into 2024

    Update on my NV playthrough- I have crossed the 400 hours and almost reached level 110. Finished The House Always Wins, so just some misc stuff left to do in the main game, all DLCs and a few mods before Hoover Dam. Then I'll still have a few bigger ones like the Frontier. Random thought...
  11. Alphons

    ☢ The NMA Atomik Movie Gang The Omega Man (1971)

    I've watched it once before- 4 years ago. I loved the book when I first read it and while for me Omega Man doesn't entirely capture it's essence, it did a better job in that regard than the I am Legend movie with Will Smith. I'd also recommend checking out the Last Man on Earth from 1964...
  12. Alphons

    Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

    I don't remember finding it outside of Rebirth base. You could check out Chuck's in Albuquerque, as it has the best stock in game.
  13. Alphons

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

    No companions, but Charisma is used a bit (for example you can perform in a jazz band or work as a stripper in Reno). You don't have to invest into it, but don't dump it completely. With a late game permanent Charisma bonus point + a combination of Mentats and a new drug you can pass all...
  14. Alphons

    ☢ The NMA Atomik Movie Gang The Omega Man (1971)

    Already watched, I'll post my impressions once I get some more time. As for a recommendation- Pulse (the original 2001 version)
  15. Alphons

    Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

    In case you want to spoil yourself you can check out the link below for every ending for each location. Mutant endings Empire 10mm SMG for Keri early on, later on you can give her a .223 pistol or the revolver (only 1 in entire game is held...
  16. Alphons


    Linking to wikia images doesn't work FYI.
  17. Alphons

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Also had the issue. If you open the cage door and then talk to her the dialogue will open and she'll escape (you might also have to kill the slavers first).
  18. Alphons


    I remember that in The Evening with Mr Manchester I've spent something like 2 hours with the fish riddle. I was sure I got it right, but couldn't progress. Gave up, looked up the Youtube walktrough and turned out that the script did not fire properly for me. Tales from Burning Sands for NV...
  19. Alphons


    One mod series that was never ported to TTW and has too many scripts for me to do it myself is PuceMoose's series. They're very light on combat, heavy on the riddles/ exploration.