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  1. frajaq

    Fallout 4 "The Wanderer" trailer

    It also show that it happens after a nuclear war of some kind (also with weird technology, first you show us an advanced robot and then an old-ass car? how weird!) It also shows that it's heavily based on exploration. Also of course it wouldn't show any RPG stuff it's a pure live action hype...
  2. frajaq

    Fallout 1+2+3+4 = Perfection?

    I tried but for some reason it freezed and bugged constantly at combat, I stopped trying because it was annoying so I instead went to play good games that didn't freeze and bug constantly.
  3. frajaq

    Fallout 4 "The Wanderer" trailer

    Watch the trailer again from start to finish, it tells enough that someone who likes that stuff will at least be interested enough to search further about it.
  4. frajaq

    Fallout 1+2+3+4 = Perfection?

    Hey man all I did was actually play the classics and talk about how I liked it, they're not all that great and F3/NV are better (with NV being the best yet obviously)
  5. frajaq

    Fallout 1+2+3+4 = Perfection?

    F3 has multiple quest paths too, I agree with you on the endings, the skills were more balanced and useful in it (I wouldn't get punished for choosing Energy Weapons at the start because you can find a laser pistol pretty early on), it has more interesting places to actually explore so yeah its...
  6. frajaq

    Fallout 4 "The Wanderer" trailer

    You are, it was just a way of the developers to poke fun at how the actual players depend so much on it. Elijah was a genius so he can say stuff like that.
  7. frajaq

    What would your take be on a Fallout 1 + 2 iOS port?

    Maybe if they do an HD version of it, since F 1/2 are ugly as hell. Would be funny if they actually went and took out the Interplay traces from the games.
  8. frajaq

    Fallout 1+2+3+4 = Perfection?

    Nah I finished Fallout 1 (lol only weapon that can be upgraded is the plasma rifle thingie, its like the game knows it's broken), quests weren't very interesting. I suppose it was good when it was released but now its very mediocre
  9. frajaq

    Fallout 1+2+3+4 = Perfection?

    Yeah i'm still not sure why they couldn't sell like a laser pistol in The Hub somewhere but whatever, even with low Small Guns skill burst shots were completely broken. Abuse LoS so they get close and bam all enemies in the game are now piss easy
  10. frajaq

    Fallout 1+2+3+4 = Perfection?

    Hard to die a lot when you can get Power Armor so easy in F1 and the combat is so easy to abuse in both games
  11. frajaq

    Fallout 4 "The Wanderer" trailer

    That's mostly what NMA does, cry bitter tears of betrayal when Bethesda does literally anything with the series lol
  12. frajaq

    Fallout 1+2+3+4 = Perfection?

    Turn based combat can be fun but definitely not the way Fallout 1/2 did it lol If you think about it the entire combat system is shitty and broken in the "classics"
  13. frajaq

    Fallout 4 "The Wanderer" trailer

  14. frajaq

    Fallout 4 "The Wanderer" trailer

    Yes? Fallout 3 had those so...
  15. frajaq

    Fallout 4 "The Wanderer" trailer

    I actually like that mostly everything about the game will be a surprise to us
  16. frajaq

    Fallout 4 "The Wanderer" trailer

    Would rather have a new gameplay trailer but this was cool too
  17. frajaq

    Agility Fallout 4 SPECIAL video

    Woah what is this, a reasonable thought that isn't lashing out at Bethesda just for the sake of it???
  18. frajaq

    Will we see another Fallout game from Obsidian?!

    I'm curious if they would make a New Vegas 2 (carrying decisions on some system like Bioware did for DA Inquisition) orrrrrr a new setting
  19. frajaq

    Fav weapon...why?

    F3: Railway Rifle, just satisfying to use FNV: The Holorifle