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  1. frajaq

    Breaking Down The Fallout 4 Character Creation System

    Pretty sure the games being open world change a LOT of stuff about how you develop it. Also I kinda like how Bethesda always tries out new things with each new game but I know that not everyone likes that.
  2. frajaq

    Things that Fallout 3 did right!

    Nah it's an RPG, just different from the originals
  3. frajaq

    Things that Fallout 3 did right!

    Not really. I mean it's still an RPG and it still has the Fallout feel to it, just much more accessible to more people!
  4. frajaq

    Breaking Down The Fallout 4 Character Creation System

    That's not a very fair comparison is it? Are Shin Megami Tensei's games Open world and easily modded like Bethesda games? Bethesda felt like they needed do change stuff from F3/NV to F4 and I feel these new changes are nice.
  5. frajaq

    Breaking Down The Fallout 4 Character Creation System

    You'll need to play a LOT on the same character just to reach that max lvl to get it all, at that point I'll probably be trying out another character with different builds
  6. frajaq

    Things that Fallout 3 did right!

    Fallout 3 brought the Fallout series to much more people
  7. frajaq

    Breaking Down The Fallout 4 Character Creation System

    Well I would still need to think about my perk progression (I think i'll spend a LOT of time in the initial SPECIAL stat allocation)
  8. frajaq

    Breaking Down The Fallout 4 Character Creation System

    I'm not saying it's bad, just that I like the new system better. I don't want to worry around skill points so much, now in Fallout 4 when I lvl up I just worry where a single perk point is going. I go back into the real meat of the game (shooting mutants/robots in the face!) faster
  9. frajaq

    I'm New to the Fallout Universe and something already bugs me...

    Bethesda said that there are zones that are mostly ok and also some pretty fucked up ones by the nuke explosions of the Great War. So far they've just showed the nicer parts of the Fallout 4. I bet there's some really really wastelands areas that have tougher enemies.
  10. frajaq

    Breaking Down The Fallout 4 Character Creation System

    Yup, and now with the new system there's no risk of that happening!
  11. frajaq

    Is there nobody who enjoys both?!

    That and also it's not a very fun game
  12. frajaq

    Breaking Down The Fallout 4 Character Creation System

    Yeah but now when you level up Science/Lockpick you'll know 100% that you'll be able to unlock the next tier of security, with skill points sometimes you ended up just short of getting to it
  13. frajaq

    Breaking Down The Fallout 4 Character Creation System

    I think we first need to see just how fast you level up in Fallout 4 before saying stuff like that
  14. frajaq

    Breaking Down The Fallout 4 Character Creation System

    Yup! I know! It's just better this way
  15. frajaq

    Breaking Down The Fallout 4 Character Creation System

    Considering that you can pretty easily fold skills into perks, this new character system is a pretty good idea from Bethesda (it rids of the stupid breakpoints problem from F3/NV in skills like Lockpicking/Science/Speech)
  16. frajaq

    Where have the massive amount of fallout fans/hype come from

    People fucking loved Skyrim (I know I did), and now they announce Fallout 4 which is basically Skyrim with Guns? Plus Minecraft-like building? Hell yeah people are gonna be excited about it!
  17. frajaq

    Is there nobody who enjoys both?!

    Fallout 3 was my first fallout, I tried playing the old ones and just died a lot lol I like the modern ones better
  18. frajaq

    An Open Letter to Bethesda Fans

    Skills in all Fallout games were terrible though, merging them with perks is the correct way to go. I agree with you on Traits though
  19. frajaq

    Will we see another Fallout game from Obsidian?!

    Obsidian will be too busy making Pillars of Eternity 2
  20. frajaq

    Intelligence Fallout 4 SPECIAL video

    Looks like a nice stat to put points into, energy weapons mods + hacking + drug making? Yes please!