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  1. Serifan

    Climate Change is not real!

    literally ever day is summer here for you euro fags. The amount of times I have seen backpackers almost die from the heat here is hilarious. Some can handle it others not so much. Sydney should burn. It’s no longer Australian anyway.
  2. Serifan

    Climate Change is not real!

    Bitch I live in the tropics and work outdoors I’ve been ready all my life. It will just kill off the weak.
  3. Serifan

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Awwwww. Same breed as my dogs.
  4. Serifan

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Highlander 2 was awesome.
  5. Serifan

    ☢ ATOM RPG ☢

    Sorry should have clarified my comment I meant fallout 3 as in a real fallout 3 not Bethesda fallout 3. Also no I wouldn’t recommend it to a Beth fan because lots of people don’t know how to play the original games and hate turn based combat.
  6. Serifan

    ☢ ATOM RPG ☢

    Hehe, my pun is lost on you all. Games be good so far, it’s no fallout 3 but pretty damm close.
  7. Serifan

    ☢ ATOM RPG ☢

    How do you refuel the car?
  8. Serifan

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Not even. I always wanted one. I almost bought one off Etsy for $800. $200 was a bargain
  9. Serifan

    Offical NMA find a friend.

    So seeing as this game really needs to be played with friends and I don’t have any send me an invite or list your username and we should group up. Username:Serifan Add me.
  10. Serifan

    Gun Control

    Yeah he loves it. But seriously your having a go at hass for being left but out of every person here he is the most reasonable person when it comes to politics. I shall await your edgy insults back.
  11. Serifan

    Gun Control

    The irony is that Hass out of everyone here is the most reasonable. I’m glad not all right leaning people act like cliffy.
  12. Serifan

    Gun Control

    Cliffy is like an alt right Twinkie. So much angst.
  13. Serifan

    Fallout 76 on pc Look at this shit. Fuck me.
  14. Serifan

    Fallout 76 on pc

    Appears to be in fucking shambles, no ultrawide support, no text chat, no push to talk, common pc settings missing. Apparently the game breaks if you manage to get higher frames. Pretty disappointed in Bethesda but really I shouldn’t expect much. I will just have to cry in my collectors edition...
  15. Serifan

    Profile posts are stupid and you should all either post your brain shit in the order or general...

    Profile posts are stupid and you should all either post your brain shit in the order or general discussion. I forgot this even existed.
  16. Serifan

    The World of the Gunny preview - Atomi Cola

    Carib, You know it's funny that you have known of a person for so long but never had really any contact but you remember things they have posted over the years. You're a legend. You should have come into the Order.
  17. Serifan

    Wasteland festival

    Seriously where the fuck do you find a girl and be like hey want to go to this Wasteland festival get put into a cage with tape on your nipples. Also ban Mutantscapler for linking porn.
  18. Serifan

    50 Minutes of 76

    hahahaha yes! Feel the hate flow! You know what makes me happy about all of this. Now Fallout fans who have only played Bethesda's versions can feel the pain of getting fucked. But in all seriousness I'm going to look sexy as wearing my collectors edition helmet.
  19. Serifan

    Fallout 76: E3 Trailer

    It’s a fucking 1.1 scale power armour helmet and 1.1 replica plasma rifle. My pussy rating went up by at least 10.