This was fun and also got me thinking about the slogan "No mutants allowed":

This was fun and also got me thinking about the slogan "No mutants allowed":
As far as I see it, you, my dear reader, have two choices: play ATOM RPG as a Fallout clone or, if you’re feeling adventurous, try to approach it a bit differently.
As a clone, it’s pretty solid. It’s got purty graphics, quests with multiple approaches to solving them, gunfights against a variety of human garbage, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. After helping out in Otradnoye, you’ll encounter the usual world map (and two extra empty ones with a couple of locations each; these desperately need more content), its own Necropolis, The Hub, Deathclaws. During your trip down the memory lane, the moody ambient soundtrack will remind you of Mark Morgan a lot. You’ll be able to level up, shoot a variety of rusty Soviet guns, and have generally good RPG fun. There’s nothing to say that you don’t already know. And if for some unthinkable reason you haven’t played Fallout yet, you’ve got bigger fish to fry than playing ATOM. But if you’re a fan, you’ll most likely have a mighty good time exploring this little DIY reimagining of a beloved game.
It’s a bit more ambiguous with the second approach. I’ve tried and, I feel, failed. I just couldn’t find a way to reconcile the game’s literary aspirations with its mechanical, ‘gamey’ parts. So I played it more or less like a book. As a book, ATOM RPG is of the kind that you’d find in the flat of a dead Henry Darger. I guess, our atomic team of dargers liked Fallout and RPGs more than angelic children and dadaist collaging, huh.
As Tim Cain once, allegedly, said, ‘My idea is to explore more of the world and more of the ethics of a post-nuclear world, not to make a better plasma gun.’ Atom Team has made a game that explores what it was like to be a curious kid basking in post-Dissolution Russia’s culture. The real one that is. And like in Fallout, ATOM the Game is, for the most part, a space for ATOM the Text to inhabit. ATOM RPG's exploration of its main theme goes much further, though.
At the end of the day, ATOM RPG is a singular artifact unlike any other. Thanks to their energetic, inquisitive, and truly alive writers, Atom Team has managed to successfully splice the cranks of our real world with the haze of post-apocalyptic nostalgia. If Hexogen, and to some extent Prokhanov, were to make a video game, I’m sure he’d create something that’d feel not unlike ATOM RPG.
It’s my sincerest belief that if we get more games like this one, our grandchildren won’t laugh at us as hard. And thank god for the strange and eccentric.
Does the game even have level scaling? I still run into enemies at level 11 that i was fighting at level 5. The game is getting frequent updates, some of them rebalancing combat by adding new stuff and improving other stuff.
I forgot how they explained it, but the 'level-scaled' content are basically very, very randomized. And it's not just enemies, but also merchant's inventory (I'd assume the inventory of merchant you can find in random encounters). The level-scaled content is meant to provide once-in-a-while challenge and stock of items that only high-level characters can access. I'm not sure if this is still in, or if they removed it entirely. However, considering it's now nearly a month since release, it's suffice to say there are no level-scaling like Bethshitgames have. Otherwise, the Codex would've been drowning in flames because of it.There was a post saying they wanted to add it. And devs rarely change certain features. So, I am assumed it was added. If not, it's worth giving a shot.
What this tells me is that the Codex is full of people with money and time to spare, while NMA is full of people with problems and actual lives/responsibilities.
Or getting to lazy to write a full review ^^"We are getting old.
Man I wish I had the time to finish the game. Some day.
Sweet! A update is coming? Guess I will wait to play the game until it comes out. May do a second run after I am done. Its just that good.I wish Fallout 3 would have been like this instead of the abomination we got. And a rather big update is coming next week that will bring some nice overhauls.
Haven't played much in the last few days because i'm waiting for this update. Got around 40 hours of play time and i have been having a lot of fun.
, it’s no fallout 3 but pretty damm close.