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  1. Serifan

    Fallout 76: E3 Trailer

    At risk? Not at risk I straight up preorder that shit as soon as it appeared online. I also ordered the plasma rifle replica.
  2. Serifan

    Autist Homos dreams

    Don't do that. I will be sad.
  3. Serifan

    Autist Homos dreams

    It's ok you don't need to back peddle now, you have showed us all how much of a compassionate person you are, the lie has been lifted. It always seems that the people the project compassion and acceptance and are always the ones rotten deep down inside. It's ok buddy, I won't take your...
  4. Serifan

    Autist Homos dreams

    Hehe why are you progressives so angry and quick to wish violence and harm to others? Maybe your right I'm not the evil one you are. So far you've threatened that my house burn down and your going to dissect me in your hobo drug lab, sounds to me you seem to be lacking in the compassion department.
  5. Serifan

    Autist Homos dreams

    Hehe, you're getting better you only half wafted on this time. I like you urban your seem to be a special kind of spastic, you'll come to understand my methods of shit posting and that I'm just a necessary evil, I like posting offensive shit because it makes people like you come out and push...
  6. Serifan

    Autist Homos dreams

    It's funny as fuck I didn't think anyone could be as bad as Crni but urban homo here takes it up a notch. I'm sure seeing that he is such a smart fellow he would have figured out by now I'm just fucking with him.
  7. Serifan

    Autist Homos dreams

    Hehe, you still wafting on urban homo. Also you can't take me down a peg if I didn't read all your brain shit.
  8. Serifan

    Autist Homos dreams

    I'd buy a new house after the sale of the land and live off my savings. Plus I have insurance. That would make me smarter than the average hobo. Yes, especially them spastic humans. Yes you will probably never amount to anything thus making you a worthless piece of shit. I was part of...
  9. Serifan

    Autist Homos dreams

    Jesus Christ your worse than Crni, you just rambling on about shit I'm not going to read. O noes you did drugs why the fuck would I care about that.
  10. Serifan

    Autist Homos dreams

    Hi Have you met Crni, you two will get along just fine. Also TLDR I looked in the mirror saw my sexy self and had to bat one out. Don't judge me.
  11. Serifan

    Who are all you people?

    Yeah ban that cunt.
  12. Serifan

    Glad to see NMA is still kicking A

    We have to embrace new fags. We need to campaign that this place is not toxic and do a huge round of advertising. Maybe even get Todd Howard to say we are awesome and stuff if we support his cluster fuck versions of fallout.
  13. Serifan

    Glad to see NMA is still kicking A

    Ok you have a point made a few posts around the place. That's pretty much what people say, why should I go there cause I will get hate for liking fallout 4.
  14. Serifan

    Glad to see NMA is still kicking A

    Thanks Rosh. I just found out that psychosniper died. We banned a lot of crazy people when I think about it and I am always against that as chaos always brings life.
  15. Serifan

    Glad to see NMA is still kicking A

    It's simple really. We should just unban everyone that's been banned and let chaos rain down. That would entertain me. What about advertising NMA as a cool place. As much as the order is the cock of NMA we need NMA for the assholes.
  16. Serifan

    Autist Homos dreams

    Every place has some filthy gutter trash that defies society's standards what type of hobo trash do you have? I have three that come to mind Pigeon lady Was this 40 year old women from Sweden, ok I have no idea if she was Swedish she had a euro accent and was blonde so it points to Sweden...
  17. Serifan

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    This place is shit and dying, I think you need a Serifan to come in and make you all angry. Crni said I can't talk about the Jews here is this true. Hehe.
  18. Serifan

    Yes super sad about that.

    Yes super sad about that.
  19. Serifan

    I well show you de wey *click click click*

    I well show you de wey *click click click*
  20. Serifan

    Weather phenomenon

    Well no point going crazy over something we can't change. My children won't die from climate change they will die because of war which is coming. When China or Russia decides that they had enough of American that's when the world ends. Crni as for the culling it's called war and not many...