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  1. Serifan

    What?......umm someone found Bigfoot

    holy shit Alec your back, good to see you have came back from the wasteland. So what I want to know is did they find him dead or shoot him. OMG! IT IS BIGFOOT AND HE IS COMING RIGHT FOR US!
  2. Serifan

    What?......umm someone found Bigfoot

    Yeah that thing looks like Lindsay Lohan
  3. Serifan

    What?......umm someone found Bigfoot,23599,24179242-2,00.html Well holy shit I know we have all heard it before but I think they may have something. Kinda crazy if it is true, I wonder what they will find next. It is not a huge foot but I guess it could...
  4. Serifan

    Fallout 3 Hands-On #9

    Ok What I want to know is have they scrapped the ability to zoom out near iso perspective. Shit want I am thinking this is a FPS.
  5. Serifan

    Tom Chick responds to Wired piece

    It makes me laugh, I have been reading all the comments from the wired article, the go on bashing the reviewer for saying the game will not appeal to fans and that he could not make that judgment from 30 mins of play. How can you say the game is going to be game of the year from just 30 mins...
  6. Serifan

    F03 release date

    I was just wondering if a release date has been set, I am just asking because looking at a few brochures from some shops and it seems they have fallout 3 advertised for an october release date.
  7. Serifan

    Stalker, cosplay

    Hey where is my love! :)
  8. Serifan

    Stalker, cosplay

    Yep and will be for hundred more years
  9. Serifan

    Stalker, cosplay

    Real Life S.T.A.L.K.E.R I came across some pretty cool stuff, it is a bunch of Stalker fans in Chernobyl dressed up as the NPC's in the game. Some really cool images. I don't know much else as I don't read russian to well.
  10. Serifan

    Fallout Now in 3d! Well I was surfing the net and I came across a review of the new zalman 2d/3d monitor, It seems that is is possible to play FO2 in 3D. I am planing on getting this in the next week or two so I will let you all know...
  11. Serifan

    Germans get new screenshots from Fallout 3

    I don't know if you have seen this but check it out
  12. Serifan

    PC Gamer podcast, 360 article

    This line makes me sick, Oblivion has to be one of the worst RPG's I have played, average FPS but shitty RPG. God, I rate Lionheart better than Oblivion and that was shit
  13. Serifan

    Legacy of Kain Some good news for people who have a PS3, it looks like Legacy of Kain may be on the way for PSP & PS3. I am so bloody excited Legacy of Kain is one of the best games I have ever played! I still...
  14. Serifan

    New Fallout 3 screenshot and Todd Howard speaks

    This makes me want to puke my guts up! It stinks of FPS.
  15. Serifan

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Hed (pe) Voices somethin inside tells me to grab this pen and write it down that very same voice tells me to grab this joint and light it now there must be somethin in these trees that keep me sane because i got these tendencies to put a bullet in your brain suicidal tendencies to...
  16. Serifan

    What if business meetings were like internet comments?

    Noob! haha this is really crazy I had a work friend tell me about this today
  17. Serifan

    Man dies six days after assault

    And his basis on this is what? it all depends on the city and area. I can tell you now that youth crime has risen in my city, I can go into detail why but I am affraid I will be banned for being a closet Nazi but I can tell you now I am not racist I just hate people who waste there lifes...
  18. Serifan

    NMA Cribs

    Fine if you all wanna see where the magic is made fine! :) are you all happy now you all know the truth! I sleep in a pink room! :lol:
  19. Serifan

    NMA Cribs

    Ladies and Gents I present NMA Cribs come and join me and showing the world your Crib(House for people who don't know gangsta.) First up is a Picture of my lounge area pretty boring stuff This is my Kitchen today was the cleanest I have ever seen it Here is my back balcony backs onto...
  20. Serifan

    First Strike

    Holy shit! This looks even better than Star Wars:battlefront 2 and it is a fan mad mod! Im surprised they have not been sued yet.