Germans get new screenshots from Fallout 3

The environmental art is really good, and it looks like there will be none of the low-res crap (so far at least). Too bad the supermutants remain orcs and the BoS is there...

That said, it might be a nice stroll through a Fallout-inspired PA world.
I don't want to be petty or something like this, but why is there no shadow on the most objects in the screenshots? Like the chair, desk and the other stuff in this screen.
Lexx said:
I don't want to be petty or something like this, but why is there no shadow on the most objects in the screenshots? Like the chair, desk and the other stuff in this screen.

Yea, that actually bothers me too. I initially thought that the lack of shadows are due to the room being lit by ambient light. But this shows the ghoul on the outside with obvious sunlight coming from the side and still no shadows...

I thought that Oblivion had a pretty good lighting system, or maybe I'm mistaken?
I've got to admit that some of these look pretty good ( Vault 101 is one of these ) while some other look ugly as feck ( supermutants...again ). Well, I guess it means that all in all the game will look pretty overall despite some obvious design flaws.
the ghoul looks real nice. too bad they are using the plastic look again :(
do not really like that shader effect.
I think we can all see how there are no shadows (except self shadows) in Fallout 3?
Lexx said:
Morbus said:
I think we can all see how there are no shadows (except self shadows) in Fallout 3?

Nah, Dogmeat has a shadow.
Those don't count. I'm talking about object shadows. Tables don't have shadows, walls don't have shadows, that's stupid. You have a candlelight behind the wall and it lights the other side. Stupid.
It was already the case in Oblivion and it was not that big of a deal. Low res textures on the other hand...I REALLY hope they fixed that with Fallout 3.
Briosafreak said:

That shot of the Vault Dweller and Dogmeat walking through the remains of suburbia is nice; certainly puts me in mind of The Road, which many of the developers have name-checked. (If Bethesda could capture even five minutes of that atmosphere, then it might go some way to repaying the insult.)

Come to think of it, there's my vote for Favourite Post-appocalyptic Project in Development; the movie of The Road. Every time I sat down to read that book, I needed a hug from my girlfriend afterwards to ward off the sense of hopeless doom.

Still, those Supermutants and Ghouls look absolutely terrible . The main problem is that not one of them looks as though it could string a sentence together, let alone hold a personality beyond "Supermutant SMASH!" or "urghhh! braiiiiinzzzz!"... Horrible, horrible, generic monsters.

Perhaps, if I just wander around in the back-waters of Fallout 3, scratching a hobo living with my trusty hunting rifle slung across my back and dog by my side, without putting on a clunking suit of Power Armour or wielding a minigun in anger, then it might not be that bad?

D'yer think?
I'm pretty sure that the lack of shadows will not be a problem in the PC version. I may be wrong, but we will see. Bethesda said that their main development platform for F3 was the 360.