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  1. L

    Escape from Necropolis (Fallout in Dungeons)

    thanx, and here how it look inside big buildings
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    Escape from Necropolis (Fallout in Dungeons)

    From side view it may look bit odd because its flat, but few more details and should be ok, maybe will modify it or add rocks scenery. More or less it is working rubble labirynth. Already possible scenario may look like this: begining in vault, out trough caves and severs. Then ruined town...
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    Escape from Necropolis (Fallout in Dungeons)

    NEWS Finished most difficulty part of that game, city ruins wallset. Already have almost complete interface, vault with npcs, cave, severs, town, some buildings (labolatory, metal shacks) Soon basic demo should be possible, still need to complete monsters, items, scenery etc. Before begin...
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    Escape from Necropolis (Fallout in Dungeons)

    This project is very experimental, its going to be Fallout on very unusual for it engine: Dungeon Master. I have with it some experience and known that is enough flexible to combine more or less both games. Survival: DM have big advantage in this part. There is unlimited ways to complicate...
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    Fallout 2 mod 13V (see Downloads or later posts for updates)

    Is there, 0.75 with more text correct
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    Fallout: Nuka Break fan film trailer

    I would like to see STALKER fan movie, anybody hear about such one?
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    FO2 TC: Fallout of Nevada

    Am still fan of F2 and wish to play such (btw hard to find big projects complete) From screens i like these attempts to put hills and big buildings to maps
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    Fallout 2 mod 13V (see Downloads or later posts for updates)

    Dude101 - wow thanx, i will update mod to it Grayswandir - for sure its not problem with protos because i dont used any new obiects in maps, so i dont known maybe you played in high resolution and block hex stuck? Or you have some patch which colide with mod files (often recomended remove...
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    Unlimited Party Members Mod for Fallout 2 -please read!

    Once i made funny experiment, i add dogmeat script to all npc on map and whole town follow me when i come close to somebody heh, but when i go out from map they disappear
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    Scenery stuff and such...

    Are you sure this truck will fit there? i think its wrong angle
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    Fallout 2 mod 13V (see Downloads or later posts for updates)

    Dude101 - i played again with fixed dialogs and difference is visible, they are really better from my version Have question, anybody finished quest in this demo? it have them 6 (join to gecko, travell to island, find and destroy mutants laboratory, find parts for vault13, join to new reno...
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    Fallout 2 mod 13V (see Downloads or later posts for updates)

    There is need test in two ways, one is bug hunting but also gameplay improvements. How you think about that style, is this work, what should be changed, maybe add or remove something? This project is already open and many things may change to final version. lisac2k - about labels, am think...
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    Fallout 2 mod 13V (see Downloads or later posts for updates)

    Thanx for help About quests am think about many ways to solve each (by different skills), already its only one possibility by map exploration
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    Fallout 2 mod 13V (see Downloads or later posts for updates)

    I known how made labels, maybe final version will have them. Dont want rush anybody with msg correction, because its thousand lines of text.
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    Fallout 2 mod 13V (see Downloads or later posts for updates)

    -it require new graphics for town label i dont found time for it and just remove them -maybe somebody will deicide to fix texts, its 200 msg files -i found one near south coast, encounters was removed for faster testing, anyway you dont need exp to win game and its lot of traveling so i found...
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    Fallout 2 mod 13V (see Downloads or later posts for updates)

    I test all again and i dont found any error, so i think it was caused by wrong instalation, please check this again possible solution 1. dont override old data but replace it by new 2. remove patch000 if you have it in main directory -unzip -remove or rename data folder from fallout2...
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    Fallout 2 mod 13V (see Downloads or later posts for updates)

    Here is demo, should be playable but first require correct texts, and probably some more testing
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    Fallout 2 mod 13V (see Downloads or later posts for updates)

    In theory I have all maps need to relase mod, but am still experiment with new scenery set. Beside cars and trains there will be something more "impossible" but i dont want show screens to not spoil too much. Also have written all dialogs, but possibly will be more quests and alternate...
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    Fallout 2 mod 13V (see Downloads or later posts for updates)

    Ok, done BTW am now work on last, largest map: Necropolis Current in mod similar to Fo1 locations are: -vault13 -vault15 -shady sands -raiders, khans -brotherhood -the glow -junktown -military base -cathedral -boneyard fort -ufo encounter -truck encounter -necropolis...
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    Fallout 2 mod 13V (see Downloads or later posts for updates)

    I have some new scripting tutorials: Quest: Kill monster and bring part of his body as proof that you kill him In critter script: procedure destroy_p_proc begin variable item; item:=create_object(X,0,0); add_mult_objs_to_inven(dude_obj,item,1); end Where X is number of item from...